The PR firm for mRNA Vaccines inc (most or all of the corporate media and most of at least one political party) continues to insist on efficacy and safety while badmouthing cheap well-tolerated treatments for the Wuhan Flu. Good for them, but time and science continue to prove otherwise.
Related: If NH Needs Proof The Vaccines™ Have Adverse Side Effects, Just Ask the CDC and FDA
“mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination,” the researchers wrote in the paper, published by the European Journal of Heart Failure.
In a generally healthy population, the level would be about 1 percent, the researchers said.
Myocardial injury is nothing to dismiss. While there’s no guarantee it will lead to heart failure, if you have this injury, it has the potential for lifelong complications that can significantly impact your quality of life.
“According to current knowledge, the cardiac muscle can’t regenerate, or only to a very limited degree at best. So it’s possible that repeated booster vaccinations every year could cause moderate damage to the heart muscle cells,” University Hospital Basel professor Christian Muller, a cardiologist and the lead researcher said in a statement.
Booster “boosters,” according to this research, are playing Russian roulette with your heart. It sounds like a song title or maybe the hook, and that’s an apt comparison. Myocarditis was written into the original lyrics of the dystopian list of side effects. No children’s rhymes about it yet, like ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posies, but I wonder what that would look like.
Line up for your vaccine; COVID’s “cure’s” a bad dream, jab me jab me, we all fall down.
Related: Post Vaxx – US Military Sees 151% Spike in Cases of Myocarditis
Let’s do some math. In the US, roughly 224 million people were “fully vaccinated.” One percent of that is 2.24 million. Some dropped dead in nursing homes, others after exerting themselves, without being informed of known risks before injection. This leaves at least two-plus million people in the US with potentially irreversible heart damage, some of whom may not yet know. Many got boosters and more than one, adding to the risk.
Two million could be the low end of the spectrum, given that the Swiss hospital reported this adverse event in 2.8% of recipients. There’s also another important detail from the linked study. The vaccine is bigoted – it seems to be able to tell the difference between men and women.
Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7% [95%CI, 2.3%–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95%CI, 0.1%–3.0%]).
mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-λ1(IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.
It must be noted that there were no long-term complications observed and why.
The group experiencing the adverse effects was followed for only 30 days, and half still had unusually high levels of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T, an indicator of subclinical heart damage, at follow-up.
The long-term implications of the study remain unclear as little research has tracked people over time with heart injury after messenger RNA vaccination, which is known to cause myocarditis and other forms of heart damage.
Not to worry. If you are a researcher, billions of potential candidates are available to explore the long-term impact of the ongoing mass experimental campaign doing business as the COVID vaccine. Good luck finding funding, but there is no shortage of suitable postulants.
HT | Epoch Times