Wishful Thinking: Dem Lawmaker Goes on MSNBC and Says Trump "Needs to be Shot..." - Granite Grok

Wishful Thinking: Dem Lawmaker Goes on MSNBC and Says Trump “Needs to be Shot…”

Stacey Plackett. USVI

Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett was spinning hew web on MSNBC – where many Left-Wing liars go to deceive – and accidentally said the quiet part out loud.

Emphasis added.

“You know, having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort — with anyone and everyone who comes through – should be terrifying to all Americans and he needs to be shot … stopped,” she said.



And while that is shocking (not), the US Virgin Islands delegate did go on to say something truly absurd.


“And that’s the thing that I am concerned about with many of my colleagues in the GOP,” Plaskett said. “That they believe that there is a two-tiered system, but the two-tiered system is not to punish them more,” she claimed, “It’s to – they want it to allow them to get away with more than everyday Americans. Causing Americans to distrust the FBI, the Department of Justice — it’s all a mechanism, and all, you know, part of their propaganda.”


There is a two-tiered system of justice in which Donald Trump is a victim. Two words. Hunter Biden. Two more words. Joe Biden. Two more words. Hillary Clinton. Three words. Almost any Democrat.

The system does punish them more. It punishes everyone and anyone who does not pull the Democrat level or tote their narrative bail. And they are not even subtle about it.


HT | Red State
