Will Sununu’s Manufactured “Insurrection” Terminate His Political Career?

October 13, 2021, is NH Governor Sununu’s manufactured “insurrection”. Hundreds of people peaceably assembled to vehemently oppose Sununu’s desire to accept a $27M grant to set up a NH covid tracking database that would be connected to a national database.

The grant also committed the state to “assist the US government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation” among other serious obligations that usurped our Constitutional Rights.

Related: IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE? NH Governor SECRETLY Pressured State Reps to IGNORE ARRESTS of Nine Americans UNDER HIS WATCH!

Nine of those peaceably assembled citizens were targeted by Sununu and then arrested during the meeting.

It is difficult for anyone not present at the meeting to believe the blatant abuse of power by the Governor and the State Police. The disturbing arrests were portrayed by the media as an insurrection in a fabricated propaganda campaign led by WMUR. Nothing is further from the truth. Videos by those who attended – as well as the official state recordings – show all attendees quietly and respectfully sitting in their chairs observing the meeting.

When the arrests suddenly began with Mrs. Bastarche and Frank Staples, those in attendance were quiet and respectful – and they remained quiet and respectful – INCLUDING BASTARARCHE AND STAPLES as they were taken out of the room!  The videos prove their innocence.

Mrs. Bastarache was ridiculously charged for “uttering Amen.” A word that every person in the room uttered – including the Governor – after he led the meeting in prayer. I was there and can speak with first hand experience.

The defense has issued a subpoena for Sununu to testify. Watch the following video, and you will understand why. This story provides timecodes and identifies Sununu’s disturbing actions throughout the video.



The trial began this morning, Tuesday, June 27, 2023.  Mrs. Bastarache and the others that were arrested at the October 13, 2021 Executive Councilor’s meeting deserve our support during their fight for our Constitutional Rights to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances – as well as the blatant abuse of power.

This trial may be the beginning of the end of Chris Sununu’s governorship in New Hampshire.


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