The Skip & Tom Weight Challenge – Week 17 - Granite Grok

The Skip & Tom Weight Challenge – Week 17

Bathroom scale

Yes, we had a gap – 3 weeks as Life intruded (especially on Monday mornings when we SHOULD be doing this). No, it didn’t make too much difference in the loss department – we both slowed down (and I got a bit lax, and he went to his daughter’s wedding and had a great weekend gastronomically speaking (and otherwise as well!).


Red Thermometer Cartoon 2023-06-26

So, we saw each other last week and agreed to get back on the wagon and make up for gained pounds and lost time (as this should have been completed a bit ago). So total, Tom’s lost an impressive 30 pounds while I’ve done 14 (and I’m just there if I stay disciplined – that works at the beginning of the week but not so well in the middle, lately).

And the tale of the tape.


Weight Challenge Skip Tom 2023-06-26


They say the last 4 pounds are the hardest – and I’ve found that out.

What else I have found is that I have to buy new gun belts because I can’t get them any tighter.

