Quick Thought: Bud LIghting Update – “…And The Beat[down] Goes On”

by Skip

Again, the arrogant marketers at Anheuser-Busch thought they could diss their blue-collar consumers by “educating them” to accept that which is anathema to most

Sidenote: Why is it that no matter what the issue is, the Left ALWAYS says “If you were better educated, you’d be less obstinate and agree with us”?

by the use of transvestite “dis-influencer” Dylan Mulvaney in their ill-chosen walk to the consumer guillotine. Steve has followed this a bit but I figured I’d put this up as I kept seeing “If this doesn’t turn around before Memorial Day, Bud is doomed” as a prediction.

Has it now happened?

Jaw Dropping Stats – Reports of Bud Light Memorial Day Sales Dropping -60% as Brand Boycott Continues

Memorial Day customarily kicks off summer and the beer beverage industry generally looks forward to the enhanced sales that come from summer.  However, if the recently published reports of Anheuser-Busch sales are accurate, which includes a stunning 60% sales drop during the holiday, the brand position of Bud Light is in freefall.

While the impacts do have a regional trend based on consumer boycotts and patterns, when the Daily Mail reports,

“numbers are suffering primarily due to a decline in Bud Light sales that reached as high as a 60 percent drop off over the week that ended on Memorial Day,”

we can be certain the executive offices of A/B are watching closely. The feedback from wholesalers and distributors to the parent company must be something beyond alarm.

AB’s marketing effort was actually SUPERB – actually VERY successful.  Good Lord, Skip, have you lost your mind in stating this? No, not more than usual.  But look at it from the other side – those that hired the transvestite Mulvaney actually achieved what they presented far, FAR better than they ever thought would happen:

It is safe to say the Bud Light brand is now firmly connected to the image of transgender ideology. As a result, it would appear that anyone who holds a Bud Light beverage is essentially identifying themselves as a transvestite pickle-puffer, and that could potentially draw considerable side-eyes from anyone in a public place outside the region of San Francisco, California.

And that’s what previous observations have shown – if AB wanted to identify with the Trans-Authoritarians, well, they have excelled in doing exactly that. Yet, AB has done nothing but put out explanation after excuse after story to say “Hey, you misunderstand us”.  No, you made it really, REALLY clear.

What they should have done was to say “We screwed up – sorry” no more than a millisecond after the original backlash started – that’s the hubris in not recognizing it (aka, “we’ll ride this out, it’ll only last a couple of weeks”).

Well, guess what happened…


(H/T: Conservative Treehouse)


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