Liberal Lady Can't Find a 'Real Man™' Who Isn't Conservative - Granite Grok

Liberal Lady Can’t Find a ‘Real Man™’ Who Isn’t Conservative

cake plate fork Original Photo by Will Echols on Unsplash

It is a sad tale of living with the consequences of an ideology that created the problem with which you find yourself. A young liberal woman is fed up with dating liberal men. She wants to find a Real Man™, but they are all conservatives.


She opened the video, talking about “one of the saddest realizations” she has ever had, which she claimed was, “as a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative.”



What are her gripes about the liberal men for whom the ideology to which she clings is responsible? “[S]he’s looking for “a man who wants to pay on the first date, who wants to open your door, who has that want and desire to take care of you and to provide” but can’t find one “who is not a conservative.”

So, she is a typical liberal?


Multiple users left her frank responses in the comments. One observed, “All of the benefits, none of the responsibilities.” Another mocked her logic, saying, “Why can’t I find a man with conservative values who’s not a conservative! Like what?”

Yet another made the same point, replying, “’I want a traditional man without being a traditional woman’ lol.”


I know a fair share of traditional conservatives, and not one of them tells their wife to stay home and bake cookies. Both the man and woman do what brings value to their lives and relationships, assuming responsibilities that make the most sense for their circumstances and adapting when the circumstances change. The value is creating a safe home and a strong family because strong families make strong nations.

TikTok user @ms_petch is a victim of her own talking points on many levels, not the least of which is this.


In subsequent videos posted to her account, ms_petch addressed her critics. In one, she insisted that she just wants a man who has some “traditional values while also being very progressive in social issues.”


Your progressive social issues paradigm is the problem. It exists to destroy the family and masculinity. The two are incompatible, and if you can not escape your progressive paradigm, you will continue to be disappointed.


