Don’t Worry … Those Dildos Are Family-Friendly

There is such a disconnect between the Establishment-GOP and reality. The Establishment-GOP … in the words of Mitch McConnell … believe, or at least want Americans to believe, that that the most important thing going on is the Blackrock/Chase/insert-name-of-globalist-institution War in Ukraine. It’s NOT. Not even top-50. DeSantis had it right when he said that it was a border dispute that does not affect vital American interests … until his donors who see dollar bills every time another Ukrainian or Russian dies needlessly demanded that he retract the truth.

To his credit, DeSantis understands … or at least I think he understands … that WOKE, not Putin, is an actual existential threat to America. “Family-friendly,” as defined by the WOKE-dictionary, means promoting dildos to children.

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