Newmarket School Board Left in the Dark!

The Newmarket School District, along with School Board Chairman Gary Swanson and School District Superintendent Todd Allen, are all currently being sued in Rockingham Superior Court for alleged violations of Right-to-Know Laws.

We want to thank Jeff Clay for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

According to School Board Chairman Gary Swanson, he never discussed these legal claims with anyone, and the School Board never discussed or took any votes regarding these legal claims.

Swanson also denied he was ever advised, cautioned, or warned, nor was it ever suggested, nor did he participate in any conversation or meeting in which it was discussed that providing any of the public documents or admitting truthful facts complained of in the lawsuit against the district could / would place the Newmarket School District in legal jeopardy.

Making Mr. Swanson’s sworn testimony less likely is the fact the School District, Superintendent Allen, and Gary Swanson collectively filed a 65-page Counterclaim in Court, all, according to Swanson, without School Board approval.

Newmarket School Superintendent Todd Allen likewise stated under oath that he never discussed or made any decisions regarding any of the allegations against him, Swanson, or the District with anyone except conversations he had with legal counsel and that all recommendations regarding the allegations came from legal counsel.

Allen also stated, under oath, that he was never advised, cautioned, or warned, and that it was never suggested, and he did not participate in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that providing any of the documents complained of in the lawsuit could / would place the Newmarket School District in legal jeopardy.

Somehow (I can find no record), the school district hired the law firm of Shaheen and Gordon to supplement the law firm of Soule, Leslie, Kidder, and Loughman in defending the lawsuit against the district and to file their Counterclaim. These law firms are undoubtedly costing Newmarket taxpayers vast sums of taxpayers ‘funds, all while the School Board is left in the dark.

Of course, the School Board was never really left in the dark; the good people of Newmarket, those paying the bills, these are the ones who have been left in the dark. Swanson, Allen, and the rest have all acted unethically, immorally, and criminally in their ongoing attempt to cover up violations of Right-to-Know Laws by the district and all of the crimes committed in this pursuit and all at taxpayer expense.


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