Major Misstep By DeSantis

Ross Berry is so NHGOP. Under the “leadership” of Berry and his faux-Republican ilk, the NHGOP LOST seats in the House in the 2022 midterms.

Berry and his ilk supported a budget that makes the spending in DC look like fiscal discipline … to top that, they then failed to pass a parental rights bill … and then they had the arrogance to spin their failure to pass a parental rights bill as a “win.”

Yet … despite his record of LOSING and being hopelessly out-of-touch with GOP voters, he has been picked to head DeSantis’ major PAC:

Ross Berry, the state Republican Party’s former executive director, was named state director of the Never Back Down PAC, where he’ll run its ground-game operation for DeSantis and help secure the endorsements needed for a presidential campaign in the retail politics-focused state.

DeSantis is making it awfully hard to support him.

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