Dove's 'Diabetes' Beauty, Calvin Klein's Hairy Man Sports Bra Model, and The 'Outdoorsy' North Face Drag Queen - Granite Grok

Dove’s ‘Diabetes’ Beauty, Calvin Klein’s Hairy Man Sports Bra Model, and The ‘Outdoorsy’ North Face Drag Queen

North Face Drag Queen Spokeperson Pattiegonia

The time, money, and energy the commercial world spends preparing for Pride Month make no sense unless you agree with Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. “Corporate elites and far-left governments are the source of the woke mind virus, not the victims of it.”


They are doubling and tripling down on their failures and it’s not going to stop unless they go bankrupt.  This is because they are no longer operating as businesses, they are now centers for activism and social engineering.


It feels that way, except for the BUD backtrack after the prancing Dufus collaboration went sideways. But the banks, billionaires, and Big Gov. are all in on the scheme. Another flanking maneuver as Pride month takes on Christmas-like anticipation for some retailers. They plan campaigns months in advance.

As noted at ZeroHedge, just in time for Pride Month, Dove Beauty has embraced the notion that women should strive to be clinically obese. Those heroes should be at increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and COVID-19. The eye of this beholder is attracted to straining an increasingly incapable health care system, damaged blood vessels, failing kidneys, shortened life expectancy, and the threat of amputations (and not women’s breasts or man parts). Toes, feet, legs.

It’s not even good for business. People with fewer parts will use less soap. Jeesh. And talk about medical misinformation. Being overweight is bad for you, so what is Calvin Klein up to? A fat, hairy-chested black man in a woman’s sports bra is kissing a chubby white woman. Whatever floats your fabulous pride boat, but how does this not sink Calvin’s ship? What about this imagery attracts the other 96% of likely customers to the brand? Diabetes?

And ZeroHedge is clearly on to something because The NorthFace partnered with” a real-life homosexual drag queen” named Pattiegonia! Why?


“And we are inviting you here to COME OUT in nature with usssss!” he said.

“🌈 Nature lets you be who you are, so, for the second year in a row @thenorthface is hosting Summer of Pride together with @pattiegonia (they/she) to celebrate you and all the beautiful ways you get outside.” Pattiegonia said on Instagram on Tuesday.

“And because we believe that exploration can take many shapes and forms, we’re making these events so much more than just a hiking tour. We’ll have workshops, panels and activities for all individuals who love to be outside.” the drag queen said.

Cristina Laila adds, “The North Face thought it was a great idea to feature a drag queen to sell clothing to rugged outdoorsman.”  I’m not entirely sure that’s a problem. Most people wearing North Face look neither rugged nor outdoorsy (unless you mean the mall). But it is still an odd marketing decision that folks were eager to point out.

Pattiegonia was reportedly unhappy with the online pushback. I guess they/them don’t want you to be you, which is all too common. Be you as long as it’s like me.

The NorthFace may wish to revisit this relationship before it’s too late because, while I get the whole Corporate elite spreading the woke mind virus angle, Target did a mighty quick 180 when execs mulled the cost of a Bud Light-level boycott.

They also yanked “all Pride designs by the Satanic designer Abprallen.”

The designers pieces included pentagrams and satanic imagery emblazoned with messages promoting transgenderism and devil worship. Target is also urgently reviewing the swimsuit line marketed as ‘tuck friendly’ as well as some of the children’s merchandise.

It looks like the mind virus can be coaxed into remission. It needs unending doses of cultural chemo, which is a big ask most of the time. Ordinary people don’t want to be bothered with constantly thinking about the politics of every choice, but that’s how the left lives and wins. If we can’t find the steam to do the same, we will keep losing the culture war and the country.

