Colebrook School District (SAU7) – Time To Cough Up Your District’s Card Catalog


Time got away from me – Life, elections, illnesses, and other and sundry reasons as to why I didn’t keep up on this. However, it’s time to restart this project and Colebrook needs to be prodded. Like with a number of other Districts, SAU7 Superintendent decided that to satisfy my RTK from October was to “look them up yourself” and sent links to their library management system to do so.

Again, look at the date – back from October of last year:

—– Original Message ——
From “Debra Taylor” <>
Date 10/13/2022 2:56:55 PM
Subject Response to Right to Know Request


Please see the attached letter.


Debra J. Taylor, Ph.D.
School Administrative Unit 7
21 Academy St.
Colebrook, NH 03576

And the PDF that was attached to the email:

SAU7 Colebrook Debra Taylor Response to Right to Know Request – S.Murphy October 11, 2022

The important bit from that document:

The card catalogs for the Colebrook School District schools are maintained digitally and can be found at the following hyperlink:

Yeah….no. So yesterday, I decided to start tapping on my keyboard and let her know that was inadvisable – a Respondent can’t tell a Requestor to do the work, that’s HER job to supply the Responsive Records. Sorry, this is not a grocery store where everyone has to check themselves out. This is a “cashier only” type of deal – I ask, you send.

And I am getting tired of what I am seeing over and over – School District websites listing the School Board members but without any contact information available. Thus, my updated RTK now demands their contact information:

—– Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “Debra Taylor” <>
Date 5/5/2023 3:19:59 PM
Subject Re: Response to Right to Know Request

Good afternoon,

I have to apologize for this VERY late reply to your email to me from October of last year. However, work should never be left uncompleted and my NH School District Library card catalog project is restarting.  In your response to me, your attempt to deflect your legal responsibility was this:

The card catalogs for the Colebrook School District schools are maintained digitally and can be found at the following hyperlink:

That response from you is insufficient and is not a proper response to my legal demand which was for the contents of the SAU7 card catalog. It is for the entire card catalog that makes up the Responsive Record that must be returned to me.  A Respondent cannot fluff off their duty under RSA 91-A to the Requester to do the work themselves; this is not how it works.  Sorry but this is not a grocery store where everyone has to self-check themselves out. Thus I am reissuing my RSA 91-A / Right To Know demand to the District for the  District’s card catalog.

If your library staff does not have the requisite skill set to accomplish this task (which should take no more than 3-5 minutes), I can send them the exact instructions to follow to have your Destiny library management system quickly put that together and output to a spreadsheet file as demanded.

Please note that this Right To Know is being sent with an addition: Contact information for the School Board members (re: email addresses, phone number). Upon review (, there is no way for Colebrook residents / voters to directly reach their Elected Representatives via the District’s website.

Thank you for your legal attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

The saga continues again…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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