Upcoming Cornerstone Events: Rally For Parental Rights, Chloe Cole Speaking At Dartmouth

Your children were given to you to nurture and protect. Now, increasingly, this right is being threatened, particularly by forces within the public education system.

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Go here to register for the Dartmouth event with Chloe Cole.


This coming Tuesday, there will be a public hearing on SB 272, the Parental Bill of Rights at 10 AM in Representative’s Hall. This bill would outline a parent’s right regarding their children’s education and upbringing within the school system. SB 272 includes vital language to prevent the covert, social gender transitioning of children by public school systems. You can sign in in support of SB 272 here.

Prior to the hearing, a rally for parental rights is being held on the State House lawn beginning at 9 AM. Come tell the NH government that you will fight to protect your children no matter what!


Parents rights event fluer


Last week, the Concord Holiday Inn caved to pressure from the woke mob and canceled their agreement to host our event with de-transitioner Chloe Cole.

The Holiday Inn’s behavior is just the latest example of a consistent effort to marginalize and silence the voices of young people like Chloe, who have been hurt by the progressive agenda. However, we are exploring all options to aggressively push back against this latest attempt to silence young people like Chloe for escaping gender ideology.

Despite these setbacks, our event with Chloe Cole is still occurring. Murphy’s Taproom in Bedford has graciously agreed to host the event, which will occur there at the same time as originally planned, Tuesday, April 18 at 7 PM.


Go here to register for the event at Murphy’s Taproom, Bedford.


Chloe Cole Evetn Murphys



SB 272 will have a hearing in the House Education Committee on Tuesday, April 18, at 10:00 AM in Reps Hall.

SB 272 – Action Steps:

1. Sign in now in support of the bill.
2. Contact your representative to vote YES.
3. Attend the rally for parental rights.





Come join parents and speakers to rally in front of the State House for the rights of parents in the Granite State. Join us in telling the NH government that you will fight to protect your children no matter what!

We encourage you to make and bring signs that display our message and requests. Some ideas include:

1. I know my child and my child knows me.
2. Placed in My Care
3. Loved No Matter What. Protected No Matter the Cost
4. Not the government’s kids
5. A Parent’s Love Protects
6. Parents should be innocent until proven guilty



  • Cornerstone Action

    Cornerstone Action is a non-partisan, non-profit Christian advocacy organization dedicated to a New Hampshire where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

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