Trump Visits New Hampshire And … Humiliates Sun-King Sununu

Even that Establishment-mouthpiece Michael Graham has been forced to admit what I have been saying for a long, long time. Sun-King Chris Sununu is running a make-believe, look-at-me, look-at-me, everybody-look-at-me “Presidential campaign” … a dishonest, shallow exercise in narcissism. From “journalist” Mikey Graham:

“Being anti-Trump isn’t necessarily a problem, if you’re out backing that up by campaigning,” one longtime New Hampshire Republican told NHJournal. “But he’s not. He’s not going to Iowa. He’s not building an organization. So it raises questions.”

Trump talked more Sununu on WMUR after his speech. “He made a big mistake by running for president, if he’s even running,” Trump said. “Guys like Sununu, they’ve got to come up with something.”

“He’s just a little bit cuckoo,” Trump added.

And both Trump and Mikey Graham left out the worst part … Sun-King Sununu has TOTALLY screwed New Hampshire: the 2022 midterm results prove that Sun-King’s COVID-tyranny, his embrace of all things woke, his crony-capitalism passed off as “small government” and “local control” has turned the State DEEP BLUE. There is NO succession plan for when Sun-King rides off to his contributor’s gig on MSNBC … there is ONLY Governor Chris Pappas. Sun-King has screwed … TOTALLY SCREWED … New Hampshire.

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