Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – Blue States: We Own Your Kids! (And Joe Biden Agrees)

by Skip

If your minor child goes to Washington or California (as other Blue States are looking to follow suit), they will give them puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sexual organ mutilation surgery to make them “normal.” Short-term exuberance shortly followed by “What have I done??”. And then a realization by many (not all, but more and more) that their real problems were not their physical bodies but what was going on (or not) in their minds.

Once again, I have “stream of consciousness” thoughts.




Note: unlike some podcasters, I don’t plan any of these out ahead of time. I start talking, for good or worse, and what comes out, comes out. And what should be coming out of your mouths is “HELL NO”!

We’ve seen countries that have decided that YOUR children are really Society’s children (and if you were ill-educated in government schools, that would be the Soviet Union, the Eastern bloc vassal nations of theirs, Communist China, et al.). Which, to put it properly in translation, really means that the State owns them. You just give birth to them.

Remember Hillary’s “It Takes a Village”? Yeah, the “Collective” owns them.  The NEA says that “teachers know best.” Yeah, the “Collective” owns them.  Former MSNBC Talking Head Melissa Harris-Perry held this thought (video at the link):

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always had a private notion of children; your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our childrenWe Have to Break Through This Idea ‘That Kids Belong to Their Parents‘“

Yeah, the “Collective” owns them. My response was, “If you thought getting my rifle out of my cold, dead hands was hard enough…”.

And now President Asterisk decided to weigh in on the same Communist mantra that WE parents should have no hold on our children:

Speaking during a teachers event in the Rose Garden at the White House Monday afternoon, President Joe Biden claimed America’s children don’t belong to their parents, but instead to society as a whole.

And the Left, especially the Teachers Unions (AFT, NEA) take umbrage with the retort of “The Government does NOT, WILL not, co-parent my child!”???

RedState takes it right to the quick (emphasis mine):

Yeah, that’s a big fat “nope.” My children do not, in fact, belong to Joe Biden or anyone else in the broader community. I’m responsible for them, I support them, and I protect them. I do not need an overbearing government assigning them to nebulous “children of the nation” status while shoving left-wing indoctrination down their throats. And rest assured, that’s what this is about.

Biden is deeply upset that many parents have said enough is enough when it comes to schools exposing their children to sexualized and racialized content. Bills passed in Florida have led in that fight but states all over the union are following suit, restoring parental rights in the face of demented school officials. Biden’s Soviet-esque vision of communal parenting is just an extension of the “it takes a village” tripe that Hillary Clinton promoted, and we aren’t down for it.

Whether Biden likes it or not, the government or any sub-section of it, right down to local school districts, will not decide what values are instilled in my children. That’s a basic freedom they will not infringe on, and if they keep trying, parents will only push back harder. That’s especially true when dealing with issues like sexuality, gender, and religion.

Note: Oh, by the way – at the time I wrote this, I was unaware that the appeal of the Manchester School District case about lying to parents about the transgender status of their child (in this case, hiding the fact that the District was counseling towards as well as aiding and abetting the child to transition to be a sex she can never be) is being heard at the NH Supreme Court today. The original decision by the Maggie Hassan appointed Superior Court judge was, effectively, that a parent had no rights to their child while in a government school.

Let’s see if SCONH believes that children actually do belong to the State.  If it does, we’re all screwed as it will be a fundamental change in our Society that will have huge ramifications going forward – and not good ones.

So that is where I will be when this post goes live.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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