Why Does Planned Parenthood Want to Hide Details of Its Gender-Transition Hormone Drug Therapy Business

Why Does Planned Parenthood Want to Hide Details of Its Gender-Transition Hormone Drug Therapy Business

Planned Parenthood kills more babies than anyone, ever, in history, but that’s not a big enough business. They are branching out, and while abortion drives the bus, if you are interested in gender transition drugs, just ask.


Many Planned Parenthood health centers are able to offer gender-affirming hormone treatment (sometimes called GAHT). The best way to learn about the services available in your area is to contact your nearest Planned Parenthood health center.

If your closest Planned Parenthood health center doesn’t offer gender-affirming hormone treatments, and you want them to, you can tell them. Hearing from patients helps your nearest Planned Parenthood add services that you need. They may be able to recommend a trans-friendly doctor in your area who provides the services you need.


A story out of Missouri brought this to my attention.



But it’s not exactly a secret, so why is PP in MO working so hard to hide the details?


Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey demanded documents from Planned Parenthood after finding out that the clinic provides “life-altering gender transition drugs to children with any therapy assessment,” spokeswoman Madeline Sieren said in a statement. She described that as a departure from standard care.

Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri sued in response, trying to block access to its records. In court filings, the healthcare provider argued Bailey has no authority to investigate the clinic, which is inspected by the state health department.

So, yes, they are offering these “treatments,” and no, they don’t want you to know the who, what, where, when, and how? Not private health details. You can only demand those where COVID is concerned. The AG doesn’t need personal info. What he’s looking for is evidence of procedure and transparency after a whistlebloweralleged that physicians [at a separate transition facility] did not warn patients and parents enough about potential side effects of puberty blockers and hormones, and that doctors pressured parents to consent to treatment.”

In a series of tweets, the AG outlined the nature of the interest.


“Following discovery that Planned Parenthood provides life-altering gender transition drugs to children without any therapy assessment, we asked them to provide basic documents to explain themselves, including why its procedures depart so far from any recognized standard of care 
Planned Parenthood is a member of the activist organization WPATH, which has long called for ‘extensive exploration of psychological issues’ ‘before any physical interventions are considered.’ 
But rather than provide a single document to explain why it is departing so far from WPATH’s standard, Planned Parenthood is running to court to try to hide everything. Missourians should be very concerned. 
There is also a growing recognition that there is not yet solid evidentiary support for gender transition interventions. 
As the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has determined, 
‘There is a lack of current evidence-based guidance for the care of children and adolescents who identify as transgender, particularly regarding the benefits and harms of pubertal suppression, medical affirmation with hormone therapy, and surgical affirmation.’ 
That’s why Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, among others, have declared this to be ‘experimental’ and have substantially limited the circumstances where these interventions can be prescribed. 
Planned Parenthood’s decision not to follow the science, and not to even explain why it will not follow the science, is very concerning. 
We look forward to prevailing in this request for information and learning what is truly going on with Planned Parenthood in connection with gender transition issues.” (10/10) 

Planned Parenthood of St Louis and southwestern Missouri sued to keep their secrets which is their right but not a good look. Planned Parenthood has no aftercare. They are a chop shop that typically outsources the “women’s health” side to third parties so it can focus on abortion. If they are handing out hormone therapy drugs, I’m confident it’s as haphazard an operation as the rest of the business. And that’s a good reason to ask questions.

Gender therapy drugs can kill kids. Dead. If PP isn’t providing proper informed consent, there are legal issues. They do not have the immunity provided to the Covidistas.

And yes, I checked Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (the local area tax-dollars to Dem campaign cash laundromat) and did not see anything obvious. Nothing popped more locally, either. But as you read in the first pull quote, PP offers them; all you need to do is ask.

We assume that enough interest will spark an activist war against local legislatures to ensure they can wreck kids’ lives without costly evaluations, documentation, reporting, or follow-up.

There is, of course, one other problem. Can they still call it “women’s” health care if they are transitioning boys to girls or vice versa? And why do they call it that anyway? They can’t even tell you what a woman is. How could they possibly know how to transition you to or from what they can’t define?

Talk about a paradox.


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