Dylan Mulvaney’s Inner Trans-Authoritarianism Reveals Itself – Off With Your Head If You Call “He/Him/Prancing Dufus”

by Skip

Bolder and stupider, this guy gets. Yes, that gay guy that has made millions from endorsements (for “celebrating 365 of womanhood”) from corporations seeking to up their ESG (Equity, Social, Governance) score. 

All to mollify Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street as the LGBT Ruler known as the Human Rights Campaign and its CEI score (Nice corporation you got there – pity if we did something happened to it).

Yep, for having written the title of this post and the previous two sentences, that hollow-chested transvestite would have me arrested and put in jail for doing what the LGBT believes is a law already: misgendering.  Make no mistake, there are a lot of LBGT groups that wish it were so, and no small number of school districts to boot.


Dylan Mulvaney, a biological man who uses she/her pronouns, is making headlines once again for comments made in a TikTok video titled “Adult Bullies” from October 2022 as a launch for his “Days of Girlhood” podcast. The resurfaced clip, tweeted by Oli London and shared by Matt Walsh, has millions of views and features the activist expressing that “I feel like that should be illegal” to misgender him.

From RedState, Bonchie gets right to the heart of this. These people are mentally ill in believing that they are the centers of everyone else’s universe and what WE think, especially of folks like Mulvaney, should be kept to ourselves.  Yeah, that ain’t happening (reformatted, emphasis mine):


That’s not surprising because at the center of transgender ideology is the beating heart of authoritarianism. We are so far past the “we just want to be left alone” framing used during the gay marriage debate that it seems like an eternity ago. Transgender ideology is a completely different animal that demands absolute subservience and affirmation from everyone who interacts with itthe demand is that you must actively participate in promoting the lie that men can become women, women can become men, and that some have no gender at all. Never mind all the other nonsensical “genders” being claimed as reality.


And here is the blunderbuss of the truth of it all: 2+2 cannot equal 5, or 10, or -1,235.


The truth is, those calling Dylan Mulvaney a man are not “misgendering” him. They are gendering him based on an accurate reading of objective reality. Yet, we are quickly approaching the point where speaking the simple truth risks criminal liability. That’s already happening in places like the United Kingdom, and it’s just a matter of time before the scourge of criminalization reaches American shores.


Like I’ve said for a little while now: Trans-authoritarianism. And it’s clear that anyone that says anything against him, it is bullying:


“They believe that their bullying actually is the right thing to do, and I’m the one to blame when I’m just over here trying to live my best life.”

No, it’s opinion and we are all entitled to have such. And it’s predictable that the immediate response is to grab tight to victimhood. “Trying to live my best life” – I’m blameless in all this!  Why are you picking on me?

Where do I begin? Sorry, clueless one, but most of us have seen you as just another missionary in moving the Overton Window to the Left  one Bud Light at a time. Your movement, and make no mistake that you have become the WomanFace for it by your own hand, is telling us what we MUST do and what you are seeing is a rejection of it. Saying over and over again that you are a woman DOESN’T make you one. And yes, I’m a biologist.

Maybe “Chicks on the Right” are correct – he’s out of control. And the corporations funding him are enabling it:

Anyone else sick of him yet?  I mean, I have been sick of him since “Day 1 of girlhood,” or whatever the heck he called it.  Honestly, I didn’t even know who he was until like 2 seconds ago and now I can’t get his face out of my feed on socials.

If making money and getting all the endorsements off of pretending to be a teenage girl and making fun of women isn’t enough, he now wants it to be illegal for you to misgender him.  If Dylan was in charge, I would be arrested for this post.

Yeah, you can find me in the cell right next door. However, the more he yammers on, the longer his Streisand Effect will go on and not in the attention whoring manner he wants.


(H/T: Townhall, The Blaze, PJ Media, Hot Air)


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