Democrat Deviancy / Degeneracy Watch: MN Transgender Legislator Puts in Legislation to Make Pedophilia Legal

by Skip

The Left continues its Long March through our institutions, taking over values, norms, and standards, and turning them upside down and inside out.  And they are relentless and I’m betting that they are even more enthused as they see their endgame coming into sight. Normal Americans have been under fire and beset 360 degrees by those factors trying to finish off what we have taken for granted.

And now, they are well into the process of completely upending our sexual mores by making sex with children legal and normal. And can you guess what attributes of the person who put this in?  Oh, heck, the post title gives it away and I’m betting that you’re not surprised at all. However, the chutzpah is just extraordinary (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Trans Democrat’s bill may allow Minnesota to treat pedophiles as a protected class

Degenerates sexually attracted to children may soon enjoy special treatment as a protected class in the state of Minnesota on account of a new Democratic bill.

The Human Rights Act is the state law prohibiting discrimination in “employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education, credit and business” and is enforced by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

And it has a stopper against pedophilia (as that’s what we’re talking about):

The act presently makes it clear in Subdivision 44 under “363A.03 Definitions” that “‘Sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.”

Full stop. Don’t go there. But that dude is – he wants to neuter that last bit. What is it with these people?  Is there nothing too low to stoop to? Oh, I know – selfishness. *I* must have what I want when I want it – including minors.

Transvestic state Rep. Leigh Finke (D-St. Paul), named “Woman of the Year” for Minnesota by USA Today,

Sidenote: “Woman of the Year“? Yeah, the US mainstream media is all in on the trans stuff.  We should start calling them misogynists at every turn because that is what the trans movement is doing to Normal women (prime example: Dylan Mulvaney and his prancing over his “365 Days of Womanhood”).

…has introduced HF 1655, dubbed the “Take Pride Act,” which was reportedly incorporated into the Judiciary Policy omnibus bill.

The stated purpose of the bill is to amend the Human Rights Act, thereby “creating a separate definition for gender identity[,] removing certain sections in the human rights act that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation,” and making a variety of other changes to existing law. Finke’s bill specifically targets Subdivision 44 and would remove the clarification that “sexual orientation” — a protected class under the law — excludes pedophiles.

And who says that Democrats aren’t the Party of Groomers??? This is a perfect example of it. Pedophilia is nothing but grooming kids. But to be this brazen about it?  There seemingly is no limit to the debauchery that the Democrats and the transgender movement is willing to go – by their own words and deeds.  Don’t like it? just redefine it! After all, isn’t that what Democrats have done since the late 1800s? Democrats to Progressives to Liberals back to Progressives and now to Democrat Socialists; a change every time that they “burn out” its use and trying to present themselves as a new “Bright and Shiny New Object” to mislead the public.

So, pedophilia becomes MAP – Minor Attracted Person.  Innocuous, right? And he’s blatant about it:

“Nothing in the bill changes or weakens any crimes against children, or the state’s ability to prosecute those who break the law,” said Finke. “Of course, pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. The language never should have been included in the statutory definition in the first place. Crimes against children are located in Minnesota’s criminal statutes, and again, they remain unchanged.”

Then what IS a pedophile if children are “removed” from their “sexual orientation”? Oh yeah – celibate. And here he is trying to deep six it. Of course, he goes all “I’M A VICTIM!!” for being taken to task at the outrage:

Finke suggested on Twitter Wednesday that the backlash over his measure was undeserved and that he is “left hurt, and scared.”

Scared – really?? What did you THINK was going to happen when you made this public?  Are you that stupid to believe that because you’re a Democrat in a Democrat State AND a Trans you could get away with this without creating a hubbub? Then what IS a pedophile if children are “removed” from their “sexual orientation”? Oh yeah – celebate. And here he is trying to deep six it.

I agree with the “degenerates” description above – these people are horribly driven by their sexual urges and NO regular societal norm is going to stop them. They care about themselves but NOT what their actions, if carried out against little children, will do TO that child. Doesn’t matter to them. They are driven by their gonads and that urge must be satisfied.

And now they want to go from a status that is disgusting at best (re: the stats in prison as to how long they stay alive). Even other criminals believe they are the scum of the scummiest and have no problem “protecting the children” in taking those pedophiles out of circulation completely. Yet, there is an academic movement to make it legal. Given, also, the rise of the Transgender Movement that allows almost “anything goes” between consenting adults, these folks are trying to piggyback on the transgender movement like the trans movement did to the gay movement.

But Normal people created a big pushback:

Minnesota bill normalizing pedophilia dropped after backlash

I’m not quite sure whether the bill is totally dead or not, because nothing is until the legislature adjourns. We do know that the GOP managed to get the language normalizing pedophilia stripped out of the bill in a vote yesterday.

Whether the language comes back or not, it is clear is that the pressure is on and the Chief Author of the bill is feeling the heat and the Republicans in the Minnesota House, who apparently hadn’t noted the change to the definition of “sexual orientation” to remove the exclusion for pedophilia, have grown a backbone.

…The bill explicitly strikes the provision in current law that states: “Sexual orientation” does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by adults.” This, in plain language, means that if this amendment to the law passes then “Sexual orientation” may include a physical or sexual attachment to children by adults…This means pedophilia will now be considered a sexual orientation that is protected.

As the second post points out, the sex act with a child would be illegal but no one could discriminate against a pedophile. Which means that a pedo could join any child oriented group or club and “mingle” with children.

And make no mistake, Finke has proven himself to be a groomer:


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