Tennessee Shooting: Fear Is the Goal

The shooting of three innocent children and three innocent faculty members at the Covenant Christian School in Nashville, TN, yesterday quickly became the top story in the news.  Of course, a tragedy like this is newsworthy if for no other reason than to mourn with those who are mourning and give Americans a chance to grieve and support them in their time of loss.

The facts surrounding the case, as we’ve been told, are as follows:

  • A 28-year-old biological female who was living as a male committed the crime
  • The shooter once attended the school
  • The shooter’s mom is on social media calling for gun control as far back as 2018
  • The shooter’s dad has not been mentioned or given comments
  • The shooter’s brother is a law student
  • The shooter’s neighbors said the family is “very nice and very religious”
  • The shooter is described as “nice” and “kind of quiet”
  • The shooter dressed in camouflage, with an apparent tactical vest and a red baseball cap
  • The shooter carried multiple “assault” rifles
  • The shooter has a manifesto explaining their motive, which included shooting up another school
  • The shooter is dead and incapable of being interviewed or examined

I have no doubt this event will be used energetically by those wishing to remove guns from society and with the least amount of genuine sympathy to those genuinely affected by it.  Rather than ask why are these shootings taking place, why are the shooters nearly identical in nature and age, and why are they targeting children and gun-free zones, the opportunists and mock-heroes will come out denouncing guns with the loudest possible means – why?  Because all they need is fear to move people into making irrational decisions.

Tragedies like these are used to create such a cloud of panic and fear, kind of like that felt on 9/11, that those in government will swiftly move to “solve the problem”, which they will tell you is guns.  Not mentally ill or evil people using guns for evil purposes, but guns themselves.  As if the gun made itself, loaded itself, took itself to the school/mall/street and began discharging itself on innocent people.  If you are afraid you won’t even bother to notice the absurdity of the claim.  You will simply fear for your or your loved one’s safety.  The idea of safety is the tool they use to manipulate you.   To feel safe you will agree to comply with their solution – let’s get rid of guns or greatly restrict them.

Of course this sounds cynical to those who are so overcome with emotional and empathy for those suffering they will likely rage against my point.  However it’s important to understand how your brain works in moments like this.

The lower center of the brain is the “fight, flight or freeze” part that activates when we are confronted with unsafe and fearful situations.  It’s the part that pulls a hand of a burning stove top reflexively.  It’s made for that reason – to react quickly to danger.  Those who manufacture psychological operations (psy-ops) know this.  They know that if they can trigger a fear response people are more easily manipulated.

The part of the brain’s operating system they intend to avoid is the pre-frontal cortex which is responsible for executive function.  This part of the brain analyzes a situation.  It’s the part that officers and firefighters use as they rush in to fearful situations to save lives.  They can do so because they’ve been trained to override the fight, flight or flee reaction, keep their calm in the face of danger and make rational, life saving decisions.

Let’s think rationally about this situation.

This is the latest in a long list of patterns that needs explaining.  Schools are targeted by younger individuals, with over a 90% incidence of mental illness.  The people, often with little to no income and no history of training, all suddenly brandish expensive weapons, have detailed militarized plans, wear tactical gear and have a blood thirsty desire to kill children who have done them no harm.

Many of them were known by the F.B.I. who did not act.

Furthermore, forensic psychologists are on the record stating what NOT to do following an event like this to avoid future events.

  • Do not share the name or image of the shooter on television
  • Do not show footage of the event or victims
  • Do not in any way glorify or magnify this event
  • Do not use dramatic sounds or music on air when describing the event, such as sirens
  • Do not play records or sounds of shooting

Already this morning I have seen every one of these rules violated.  Already the school’s private video of the shooter blowing the glass doors open and shooting in offices as if we’re watching a video game or horror film are circulating online – everywhere.  This will create two psychological environments that help no one:

  • create widespread fear and demoralization
  • sow seeds into the minds of the next activist lunatic looking for their moment of glory

Watch the media do this and you will know they do not care about you or your children at all.

Watch the politicians piggy back the narrative and you can only conclude the same.

These are the same people who forced now known deadly vaccines, useless masks, crippling lockdowns and are pushing CRT, SEL, drag queens and anti-American curricula on these children.  When active shooters went into Ukraine they sent $100 billion of your taxpayer money in weapons to help defend them. When active shooters attack your children they want to take your weapons and ability to defend yourself away.

They are deliberately trying to demoralize and mentally cripple you and your children.  They are now using a tiny Christian School for their agenda, right after a tiny Christian School in Vermont stood up to them.

Don’t be fooled friends.  These people are evil.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to stand up and fight like heaven is on your side, because it is.

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