NH Senators Need to VOTE Against SB265 and STOP the Exploitation of Children in our Public Schools

Dear Senators :

I will continue to share information that contradicts what some of you heard during the hearing to fund MTSS-B in our local public schools. SB265. Thank you to the Senators on the committee who voted ITL.

Last night I spoke to a parent in SAU16 whose daughter was receiving counseling in school but whose parents never consented. This is happening more often than you realize.

Today this was posted on social media:

Kevin Coventry

Keene State/BHII managed to avoid IRB approval when gathering mental health PII on students in some of our public schools. I plan to look deeper into this exploitation of children in our public schools by these mental health professionals.

Until this is corrected, I ask that you oppose legislation and funding going toward mental health services in our public schools. Not only is this agenda exposing how parents and children are exploited, there are no independent studies showing that MTSS-B improves behaviors.

As one who works with parents across New Hampshire, I see the opposite impact in our schools. Violence and behavior problems are driving good teachers out of the profession. This has been reported publicly by teachers in districts like Nashua and Keene. Students in Keene post on Instagram the numerous fights that take place in the restrooms. How is MTSS-B working? Take a look at this.

We have children who are in desperate need of mental health services from professionals committed to helping children WITHOUT exploitation. This kind of funding should be re-directed to those services.

The collection of mental health personally identifiable information (PII) started with Plymouth State, then Antioch and now Keene State BHII. This has been going on for years in New Hampshire without any informed consent by parents or guardians. In addition, some school counselors have been meeting with students, without parental consent. This violates Federal Law Every Student Succeeds Act signed by President Obama in 2015.
FERPA Law ParentaL Consent

Ferpa public law


Protecting student privacy should not be a partisan issue.

Let’s put these valuable resources towards helping the mental health of children where it is truly needed. More importantly, let’s make sure that any expenditure of tax dollars is done in an ethical and lawful way by school officials.

Ann Marie Banfield
North Hampton

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