Contact Your State Rep Today on Fetal Life Protection Act

Tomorrow or Thursday, the NH House of Representatives plans to vote on two bills that would essentially repeal the Fetal Life Protection Act (FLPA), NH’s very modest but important protection for preborn children after six months in the womb:

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  • HB271 would repeal the FLPA outright
  • HB224 would repeal the FLPA by getting rid of its penalties

Either of these would move us to the extreme position of allowing abortion until birth. Over 70% of NH residents agree with abortion restrictions, 43 states have protections at 6 months or earlier, and only 7 countries (including North Korea and China) allow for such abortion extremism.

How you can help:
1) Pray & Fast. NHRTL will post updates via our Facebook Page and email.

2) Contact your representative, whichever party they are in. Let them know that you want to protect ALL human rights in the state, including those of viable preborn children.

Don’t forget to follow our Current Legislation page for more updates on these bills and many more!

For Life,
Jason Hennessey
President, NH Right to Life

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