California Doesn’t Want You to ‘Taste The Rainbow’?

Skittles® were always “gay,” so there’s no excuse for a bigoted California lawmaker’s proposed legislation that could ban them from the state.

That’s a joke—Skittles®, Taste The Rainbow. The proposed ban is real, however, if these food additive restrictions were to become law.


California State lawmakers are considering legislation which could ban the sale of multiple candies such as Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, and jelly beans. Other foods such as Campbell’s Soup would be face possible bans as well.

Forget about the homelessness crisis and skyrocketing crime which are causing endless misery for the state’s residents. The most immediate threats to Californians according to the state politicians are candy and soup.

The bill, which was introduced far-left Democrat Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, targets the following five additives: propylparaben, red dye 3, brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate and titanium dioxide.


I did a little research on Titanium Dioxide. “Small amounts of titanium dioxide are added to certain foods to enhance their white color or opacity .” I can imagine not caring about the appearance enhancement, so maybe it’s a moot point, but as with all things in nature, the dose makes the poison. In quantity, there is any number of things that could do harm or even kill you but, in small amounts are beneficial or harmless.

Titanium Dioxide appears to be one of them.

The EU’s objections are speculative and based on more than a few presumptions for which insufficient research exists. Again, if you don’t care about the supposed benefits, then I can’t see why you need the additive, but a one-state ban creates what may be an unnecessary limitation that will increase costs and reduce access for no benefit, b this is California, where that should be the state motto.

We virtue signal you pay the price.


Californians shouldn’t have to worry that the food they buy in their neighborhood grocery store might be full of dangerous additives or toxic chemicals.

This bill will correct for a concerning lack of federal oversight and help protect our kids, public health, and the safety of our food supply.


I imagine that if you’d never mentioned it, no one would know, and therefore no worry. Even now, there’s probably a limited amount of concern. But again, here is California, where harmful masks, lockdowns, and covid vaccines are forced on people who don’t even need them.

Skittles®? Those have to go. And hey, that sounds a little anti-gay to me.

Note: I like Skittles® ( or used to), and no, they don’t make you gay (and yes, I have to add that). They could make you obese or Type II Diabetic if you ate enough of them, but then that’s true if you take in “enough” of just about anything – except perhaps Kale or Quinoa (blech!).


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