Violent Male Sex Offenders in Canada Have Been 'Transitioning' To Get Into Women's Prisons - Granite Grok

Violent Male Sex Offenders in Canada Have Been ‘Transitioning’ To Get Into Women’s Prisons

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Violent Male Sex Offenders in Canada Have Been ‘Transitioning’ To Get Into Women’s Prisons

Back in 2017, Canada began incarcerating inmates based on their preferred gender. At some point, someone decided to take a look at gender-diverse accommodations as well as the criminal profiles of these individuals, and they found something that’s not very #woke.


recent study conducted by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), an “Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders,” which surveyed 99 “gender diverse” inmates between 2017 and 2020, found that of the 61 male inmates in the study who identified as transgender or something other than male, 46% had committed sexual offenses and 92% were incarcerated for violent crimes.


    • 85% of the inmates who identified as transgender women or “other” with a history of sexual offenses were, in fact, male.
    • About 94% of the crimes were committed before adopting a transgender identity.
    • 64% … committed a “current sex offense” while incarcerated.
    • 88% (were) convicted of prior sex offenses before incarceration.
    • The majority (85%) had committed a sex offense that caused death or serious harm to their victims.
    • Over half of the victims are children (58%) or female (55%)
    • Nearly 70% had inflicted psychological harm on their victims, and a third of offenders had multiple victims
    • Almost half the gender-diverse offenders were “indigenous.”


If you are transgender or support or advocate for this (at least in Canada), this is a PR nightmare. The longstanding practice, regardless of the country, has been that you can’t ask for proof of sexual identity because it is discriminatory. But without any failsafe, as we’ve long warned, male predators are using it to gain access to new victims in once-safe spaces.

California is the poster child for this failure. The government can’t even protect incarcerated women from sexual assault, which – in my opinion – says a lot about their competence to protect anyone else anywhere else, as they insist they can and shall.

More from The Daily Wire.


The report found that 91.7% of male inmates who identified as transgender women surveyed were incarcerated for a violent offense, including 41.6% for homicide. By contrast, according to the Correctional Service of Canada’s 2021 annual report, 25.8% of male inmates (who identify as male) were serving sentences for a violent offense, which includes homicide/manslaughter, attempted murder, aggravated assault, and other violent offenses.

Additionally, the researchers determined that 62.7% of male inmates who identified as transgender women had a low reintegration potential, 39.3% required maximum security, and 74.6% had “high static risk,” which refers to a high level of risk that an individual will reoffend based on factors that are relatively unchangeable or “static.”


It is difficult to walk away from this information without a sense of dread for biological women, especially in prison. Ninety-four percent of men in this study are violent sex offenders who are changing their gender after being imprisoned to gain easy access to women they can then sexually assault.

One bright note. “Canadian policy was clarified with a 2022 directive that explicitly gave prison officials the power to reject a transgender inmate’s transfer request on a case-by-case basis.” In other words, wardens and corrections officials with direct knowledge could deny any spurious claim, ala Corporal Clinger from the TV show M.A.S.H. and his efforts to get discharged from the army on a section 8 (crazy town).

He frequently wore dresses and high heels instead of his uniform. Everyone knew he was as sane as anyone, but, irony alert, you couldn’t do that on TV these days. You’d be called out as a bigot. So, do Canadian corrections officers have the stones to deal with that attention even when they know better?

And is someone going to do research like this in the US?
