So Charles Everett Decided to Make the Inference that US Marine Lt. Col. Mike Moffett (Ret.) Is a Nazi? So I Let Him Know That…

by Skip

…his email has now been posted up on GraniteGrok. as it wasn’t clear that it had been posted already (I left a voice mail for Mike asking him as we generally put up hate mail sent in so our readers can chortle over it and make sport of them.

Which I saw was already happening.  Here’s what I sent (and I do love doing this kind of thing – I don’t put up with others going after my Groksters for stupid reasons).

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Charles Everett” <>
Cc: “Michael Moffett” <>; “” <>; “” <>
Sent: 2/6/2023 12:26:01 PM
Subject: Making the nuance that Mike Moffett, a decorated prior Lt. Col Marine officer, is a Nazi???

Well, Mr. Everett – a VERY stupid move.  We can write about you for a while now.

You are now getting LOTS of attention from Mike, the NH School Board Association, and the NH School Administration Association.  Why you decided to send your email to those latter two groups is irrelevant to the below but if you wanted more attention, guess what – you DID!

And now you can add (NH’s largest and oldest political blogsite) to that list.

You see, we have this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area of GraniteGrok that states hat if you send an email to any “Grokster” (that would be an duly authorized writer at GraniteGrok, as Mike Moffett is, we can do with it as we wish:

All communications with us, unless otherwise specified, may be made public at our discretion, including text and email.


Look in About or Contact Us to reach us by email.
Anything you send us is fair game and may be used on the site. Exceptions to this policy include if you ask us not to (off the record); however, if we judge the email to be nasty, we may still publish it to skewer poor judgment or lack of critical thinking.

And Mike is a Grokster. You inferred he was a Nazi (or sympathizing with them). We don’t like it when someone attacks a fellow Grokster – especially me. Very Stupid Move.

So with your email now posted at   “The Next Time You Come to New Hampshire from New Jersey I will Happily Kick your Apparently Sorry Ass“):

From: Charles Everett <>
Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2023 12:19 PM
To: Michael Moffett <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: HB102-L: commies bad, MAGA good

It’s only natural that such a measure is sponsored by a politician from the Republican Party, an organ that promotes MAGA uber alles and believes the Nazis are swell chaps.

My father was with the US Navy in World War II and if he ever found anyone thinking like a Nazi he would have kicked their ass.

Charles Everett, Bridgewater, NJ

Your email qualified on several points.  And while we are in a very small State here in NH,  we get THOUSANDS of visitors to read our material every day –

CONGRATULATIONS, you made yourself an Internet semi-sensation!

Have a GREAT Day – you’ve given all of us a great chuckle!


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | |

So I await to see if Charles Everett responds.  Only one in the past ever has but it will be “interesting” if he does.  But I really hope he does – I want him to talk, talk, and talk some more!

But it is interesting that there was rather very little “intellect” in his email – like many on the Left, Charles Everett went DIRECT to an ad hominem attack to which there is rather little to debate.  Which, however, means he most likely has a very thin skin so maybe Mike and I WILL hear back from him.

If he dares..


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