People of Color “Mystery” Not So Mysterious After All …

Steve MacDonald

Ockham’s razor is a simple idea: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. “Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity. To the radical left, it means that almost every “issue” (real or imagined) can be explained as racism! But what if it’s not?

Take New Hampshire, for example. It is “too white” all year round, not just from November to March. The population is predominately not of color. No one tried to make it that way; it just happened.


The colorblind world is all about color. It’s about numbers. Butts in seats, or in front of classrooms, or at our workplaces.

What about Live Free or Die?

In a genuinely free society, people go where they want for reasons that are their own.

And in a truly diverse world personal preference would drive demographics and that would be good enough. Sorry, say the “experts,” it’s not.


Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont every state along the Canadian border is majority white. Why? The colder the annual temps, the whiter it seems to get. There are lots of perfectly non-racist reasons for that.

The darker your skin, the more sunlight you need for your body to generate enough vitamin D, an essential nutrient for immune health, among other things. The farther north you go, the less sun you get. It’s cold more often and longer.

While folks might accept that if they have an opportunity worth the discomfort, given a choice, how about not? These illegal aliens (of color) who ended up in Eric Adams, New York, were offered free bus tickets to Canada, but when they got there, they wanted to return. Too much snow. Too cold. The free ride is more pleasant when it’s warmer, and New York City is warmer than Canada.

And not just because it is one of the largest urban heat islands on earth.

But this simplest of explanations provides zero political leverage, so they can’t embrace it. It gets them nothing: no outrage, no protests, no tribalism or division. The truth is useless.

States like New Hampshire were or are predominantly white for the same reason as the National Hockey League. People of color chose something else. So when New Hampshire Democrats failed to promote any candidates of color to run for congress, maybe it wasn’t their fault? It was. Republicans found plenty who not only chose to live here but chose to run.

It’s the Democrats who are racist and guess what – they feel so guilty that they can’t shut up about projecting that guilt onto everyone else.

Oh, one more point from a past piece on this topic that mentioned weather as a factor.


What if a majority of “people of color” don’t care how safe or prosperous or job or family-friendly a state is because they hate the cold?

You know what the cure for that is? Global Warming.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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