More Boxes of Biden Docs in Boston - Granite Grok

More Boxes of Biden Docs in Boston

Joe Biden car full of files douments classified

The nation’s first president slept in many beds, and I don’t mean ‘slept’ in the colloquial sense. He moved around a lot before, during, and after becoming that ‘George Washington’ to the degree that “George Washington Slept Here” became a real estate cliché.” Biden’s working on something similar.

The colloquial “sleeping” around is an option, as is falling asleep (Sleepy Joe), but I’m referring to boxes of classified documents. They keep turning up. At this office, at this home, while the “most transparent administration” coordinated a months-long coverup involving multiple agencies.

The latest batch of docs linked to Biden has been found in Boston.


 Emails released Friday by the National Archives reveal references to President Biden’s lawyers handing over boxes of documents in Boston — confirming a little-known detail in the chronology of Biden’s classified documents scandal.

“Please ensure that the boxes in your office in Boston remain secure in a locked space and are not accessed by anyone,” National Archives official Gary Stern wrote on Nov. 7 to Biden attorneys Patrick Moore and Bob Bauer.


Does this answer the question as to whether Biden’s lawyers were qualified to locate classified documents? They were not, or maybe they were. According to the reporting, his lawyers – the ones who “found” the verboten Obama Admin documents in then VP Bidens off campus DC office (doing business as a Think Tank), sent them to Boston.

That’s how they got there.


The email was sent five days after Biden’s lawyers say they discovered classified documents at Biden’s post-vice presidency office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington.

CNN reported in January that Moore shipped some Penn Biden Center documents to his Boston law office before he discovered classified records.

The records removed to Boston were believed not to contain sensitive information, the outlet reported at the time. The new emails, however, raise questions about the nature of the documents given the protocols requested by the National Archives.


So, the National archives and the White House knew about the Penn Biden DC and Boston MA doc stashes and hid that knowledge from the public until after the Mid-Term elections.


“Right before the National Archives came in, they handed us a letter from the Department of Justice informing them and us that the general counsel for the National Archives wasn’t allowed to say anything about the Biden documents,” Comer said. “But we had about a three-plus hour transcribed interview with the general counsel and what we learned was there is a double-standard here with how Donald Trump was treated versus Joe Biden.”


The FBI was too busy to stage a 5 AM raid on the DC offices, those Boston Offices, and Joe’s House (or his other house). And it looks like The National Archives was too busy too.



We’ve now got the White House, the DOJ, the National Archives, and – anyone else?

This is not unexpected, but it is amusing. For four years, Dems took every opportunity to accuse Donald Trump, or anyone who said his name without sneering, of wrongdoing and coverups. Biden’s White House had so many things to cover up that they told the DOJ to put a gag order on the National Archives.

Is that obstruction of justice or by Justice?


Exit Question: Can we send Biden’s Lawyers to China to get the boxes of “documents” he left there, or would that create an international incident?
