Hahahahahaha – Paypal Lays Off 2,000 workers (7% of their workforce) – Blames Economy.


Instead of themselves. We’ve written in the past that Paypal, because of our writing, restricted the use of our own money for six months. We could look at it, and run reports against account activity, but no money could be added in at all (either by you folks, our sponsors, or even ourselves) or expended. Once that time in Paypal Purgatory was over, I quickly moved it out.  While we still have a Paypal account, I sweep it regularly to keep the balance low.

Yes, we have been evaluating other payment processors to either add to Paypal or replace it entirely; we have not yet pulled the trigger on that. A wrench has been thrown into that process, however, as Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, is making noises that Twitter is going to go into that business. Given that many Conservatives are returning to Twitter (including us: @GraniteGrok), I’m betting he’ll have a pent-up demand for those services.

He’d be returning to his roots. Remember, Musk was one of the original founders of Paypal and the buyout from eBay gave him the funds to start his meteoric rise as one of the greatest entrepreneurs in history.  So I’m going to sit back for a bit and watch. Meanwhile, here is Twitter’s press release:

The following message was shared with PayPal employees today by President and CEO Dan Schulman.

Over the past year, we made significant progress in strengthening and reshaping our company to address the challenging macro-economic environment while continuing to invest to meet our customers’ needs. While we have made substantial progress in right-sizing our cost structure, and focused our resources on our core strategic priorities, we have more work to do. We must continue to change as our world, our customers, and our competitive landscape evolve.

This is called “partial denial” as well as “our own created crisis”. Review the opening of this post and know that Paypal created part of that evolving “competitive landscape”. When you tell a large number of your customers, simply because of their Woke Ideology making their britches too big and believing they could use their size to bully those that don’t agree with them.  Like us.

Addressing these changes requires us to make hard decisions that will impact some of our colleagues. Today, I’m writing to share the difficult news that we will be reducing our global workforce by approximately 2,000 full time employees, which is about 7% of our total workforce. These reductions will occur over the coming weeks, with some organizations impacted more than others. We will treat our departing colleagues with the utmost respect and empathy, provide them with generous packages, engage in consultation where required, and support them with their transitions. I want to express my personal appreciation for the meaningful contributions they have made to PayPal.

While it seems that the economy has (finally) hit Big Tech, when you tell customers that they must walk on eggshells and only use speech that Paypal agrees with, that’s no small reason for, in part, that must be playing a role this RIF (Reduction In Force).  If a customer figures out that his vendor doesn’t like him, why stay?

…but I am confident we will come through it together with compassion for each other, our values at the fore, and a shared commitment to the future of PayPal

My only “shared commitment ” is to get out of Dodge completely as soon as we can.

Liberal journalists, pundits, and others used to taunt Conservatives with “If you don’t like it, start your own company!” – and then got upset when Conservatives took the hint and did and consumers switched to them. We’ve looked at a number of them already. In the aggregate, they could replace what Paypal does. Reviewing what individual companies offer RIGHT NOW is the problem. Not one of them has all the pieces in place yet (Soon!, they say) for us to move.

To be honest, given what Paypal did to us and NEVER told us why, I have no tears for those that were laid off. I don’t wish them ill; I just don’t care.

Too bad, Paypal, you brought some of this onto yourselves.

Sidenote: in pulling up the Paypal logo, this popped up. Given that the Fed and other large banks are doing “pilot projects” to digitize our dollars (allowing them to do their version of the Chinese Social Credit system as in “eating out too often? Donating to a conservative candidate or group?).Yeah, we’re giving you a time-out from your money:

I already don’t trust my Government and I’m not liking Big Banks either…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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