Gender-Fluid Boy and Furry Friends Terrorize Girls at Middle School

A gender-fluid boy and his friends who identify as furries are being allowed to use the girls’ facilities at Milford Middle School. They are leering at girls in the locker room and exposing themselves in the restroom.

Related: NH School Boards Association Transgender Policy is Harming Girls in School

A mother testified at the New Hampshire State House Thursday that school administrators are doing nothing to stop them- because of their transgender policies.

Samia DeMarco told the NH House Judiciary Committee:

Our young girls were exposed in the locker room when this transgender individual and their friends, some of who also identify as animals, came in and watched them inappropriately, then over the following weeks, continued to bully them and make rude comments about their bodies in retaliation for these victims making a complaint to the school’s administration.

DeMarco was testifying for HB 396, which, If signed into law, would recognize biological reality and allow public facilities to differentiate between the two sexes in athletic competitions, prisons, locker rooms, and restrooms.

DeMarco said the young man claims he’s gender-fluid but usually identifies as a girl. 

“The same transgender student was urinating in the girls’ bathroom with the stall door open when my daughter and her friend entered the bathroom, but their complaints to the guidance office were brushed off,” DeMarco said.  Although she told her daughter to use the unisex bathroom and to advise her friends to do the same.

I’m struggling greatly with the idea that once again I have to tell my daughter that she needs to change her behavior to protect her innocence and modesty.

We are exposing other little girls to potential danger or discomfort. Our state needs clear guidance that addresses genitalia, not gender identity. If you have male body parts, you should utilize the male facilities or an available unisex bathroom. We can’t expect an entire female student population to use a couple of single-stall bathrooms also shared with the teaching staff while a small group of kids have free reign of the other facilities.

A victim of sexual trauma herself, DeMarco said she has “deep empathy for anyone struggling with self-loathing and suicidal thoughts.” And though she respects freedom of choice, “I strongly believe that your rights should not infringe on anyone else’s rights or safety.”

She’s concerned not only about exposing children to danger, but also that the Milford School District is sending the girls the message that their collective comfort and safety comes second to helping trans-identifying boys feel affirmed.

By allowing this to continue, we are telling our little girls that their bodies aren’t sacred, there are no repercussions for these offenses, and we won’t be doing anything to ensure their safety and comfort. Please consider the damage this is doing to our pubescent daughters’ already fragile self, and work to put something in place that makes all of our students feel safe at school.

Watch Samia’s testimony:


Watch the entire hearing at

Send your testimony in support of HB396 to the House Judiciary Committee at They are scheduled to vote on the bill on February 8.


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