Biden's SOTU - I bet NH State Reps Mike Bordes, Travis O'Hara, and Doug Trottier and NH State Senators Tim Lang and Howard Pearl were CHEERING at This! - Granite Grok

Biden’s SOTU – I bet NH State Reps Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara, and Doug Trottier and NH State Senators Tim Lang and Howard Pearl were CHEERING at This!

Since we decided that the ‘Grok was going to return to Twitter, I had been looking forward to tweeting out during President Asterisk’s (ahem, Biden) State of the Union speech. Unfortunately, my main laptop’s browsers were throwing errors so I missed doing my mission (firewall issues, I think). But one piece of fecal matter that launched from his oral cavity caught my attention during his verbal diarrhea of what he wanted to accomplish which was to pass the Pro Act:

I’m so sick and tired of companies breaking the law by preventing workers from organizing.

Pass the PRO Act because workers have a right to form a union. And let’s guarantee all workers a living wage.

Yeah, Our Ruler has declared that anyone wants to work where a union is ensconced will have to JOIN that union – no freedom to choose for you! Workers DO have the right to form a collectivist union if they so desire – it’s just not guarenteed that they can persuade enough of their fellow workers to go along with it. Companies have the right to resist as well but the PRO Act severely tilts the process towards the union organizers.  Commentary here. A great reaction via Instapundit:

Pro Act Tweet during Biden SOTU Instapundit

That’s right – by telling workers that they can’t work for themselves in what we know as the “Gig economy” (some forced into it and some LOVE controlling their own time), not only Biden a “shill for thugs”, he IS a THUG for taking away that freedom from them just because UNIONS!  I bet it warmed the cockles of NH State Reps Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara, and Doug Trottier and NH State Senators Tim Lang and Howa

  • NH State Rep Mike Bordes  (R) – $2,000
  • NH State RepTravis O’Hara (R) – $2,000
  • NH State RepDoug Trottier (R) – $1,000
  • NH State Senator Howard Pearl (R) – $5,000.
  • NH State Senator Tim Lang (R) – $5,000

When Biden said that, I had images of all of them standing up in front of their devices, a fist in the air, yelling “WAY TO GO!”

Yet, What does the Republican Party believe?

  • We believe, above all else, in the founding principle that all people are created equal, endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unimpeded by intrusive government regulation and control.
  • We believe that individual liberty is guaranteed under the Constitutions of the United States and New Hampshire, that the liberty of the people must be protected above the power of the government, and that it is only through an adherence to our founding documents that we will continue to grow as a free, Constitutional Republic.
  • We believe in free people, free markets and free enterprise.

And there they stand, with Biden in forcing free workers into a Democrat supportive union.  No freedom to choose for you!
