It seems that by publishing that first post on “NH GOP Annual Meeting Observations”, Pandora’s Box got opened – and keeps getting wider:
Hi Skip
I cannot agree more, with your comments on Maya Harvey’s role in choosing the press outlets covering the annual NH GOP mtg on Saturday. I sat in the front row (Strafford Co assigned section) and watched her prance around during the whole meeting (her dress left nothing to the imagination as it was skin tight. I had the distinct impression that she was a very favored person, to high-level folks in that auditorium, as she never stopped scampering along the front row with a very amateur-looking camera (compared to all those ‘officially there’)!
The other part I noticed (other than Sun-King not bothering to show up!) was that OAN was the only press group with any identification on their cameras. Was this done specifically so that we would not know who WAS or WASN’T there?
I responded to the question: “OAN mic flag – yes for a purpose – to advertise who they are. Wouldn’t read much into it – GraniteGrok has them as well.”
At the beginning of the meeting, Steve Stepanek announced the attendance (@415 there out of 475+ members)- there were empty seats in almost one whole back section and many near the front in ours. So, the room wasn’t full and we had no idea which press groups were/weren’t there. Had I known that GraniteGrok wasn’t welcome, I would have gone to Chris Ager and asked why…..the philosophy he shared in his acceptance comments implied that the NH GOP will be a big tent for all!!
Can he actually pull that off with so many RINOs working to keep us conservatives out of the party?? As a delegate as well, I will personally keep this front and center when we meet to vote on the platform later this year! I can tell you that all those in my circle are very conservative and we will NOT vote for watering down our NH Constitutional Rights!!
Thank you for All you do!!
I also have two more to post up. I also recorded a Skip’s Sauntering Snippets installment about the Meeting. No, I was not there but was watching for the “after actions” and folks called in as well.