A Day of Gun Control Hearings at the State House

Kimberly Morin

On Wednesday, the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee held hearings on all gun control bills that are in the committee. This made it easier for people to get it all over with in one day! You can read more about the bills on a previous blog here.

It was a marathon day. The hearings started promptly at 9:00 AM and the last gun control bill finished around 4:30. I hadn’t been to a hearing in person since before COVID shut them down, so it was interesting to see the people who showed up.

It was almost like a soap opera that you haven’t seen in years (NO, I don’t watch them), it was many of the same cast of characters on both sides of the issue with some new additions and changes here and there, but you could pick right back up where you left off last time you watched.

The hearings were held in Representatives Hall because they expected a crowd too large for the regular committee rooms and while it was appropriate, there weren’t as many people there as in the past. There were, as usual, more people there who were against the bills than were for the bills. And, as usual, the majority of people pushing gun control bills were being paid to actually be there and fight against our rights.

Chair of the committee Terry Roy did an excellent job of running the hearings as did Vice Chair Jennifer Rhodes. Clerk Alissandra Murray also did an excellent job. Also have to give kudos to the Committee Assistant Karen Karwocki (who is always fabulous) and Researcher Bradley Greenland.

Reps Jennifer Rhodes and Terry Roy

Honorable Representatives John Burt (who spent many years on this very committee), and Dr. Joe Hannon were both there all day testifying against all of the gun control bills.

The Honorable John Burt.
The Honorable Dr. Joe Hannon

The amazing Representative Jeanine Notter was also there to testify as well as a new representative, Tom Mannion from Pelham (he was on fire throughout the hearings).

Rep Jeanine Notter
Rep Tom Mannion

Next Level gun shop of Salem was represented and gave a lot of excellent testimony as an actual FFL dealer (something gun controllers seem to know nothing about… you know… actually purchasing a firearm or the laws around said purchase).

Brian Barry from Next Level Firearms

A fabulous new addition to the 2nd Amendment side was Joanna Brown (I may be subjective because she’s a member of the Women’s Defense League, but she knocked her testimony out of the park).

The amazing Joanna Brown

And then there were the usual suspects on the gun control side – Zandra Rice-Hawkins (an original member of the Nanny State Project funded by America-hater George Soros). Hawkins spewed the same debunked statistics as she always does but really didn’t testify on many bills:

Zandra Rice-Hawkins
Zandra Rice-Hawkins pushing gun control

Representative David Misogyneuse pushed a couple of gun control bills that will, of course, only make Granite Staters less safe. He looks more like a drug-addicted version of Lurch each year than what you would expect of a rep. Representative Amy Bradley (one of Bloomberg’s first handmaids in NH) was pushing Bloomberg’s Red Flag bill and as expected, completely lied about the bill throughout her testimony:

Rep David Misogyneuse
Rep Amy Bradley

Of course, Bloomberg’s other handmaids were there in their cheap Chinese t-shirts doing the bidding of their Patriarch:

Moms Demand
Bloomberg Handmaid pushing his gun control

All in all, it was a good day for liberty. When the majority shows up in support against gun control or to testify against these bills, it makes a difference. It doesn’t matter that these bills will most likely all be shot down (pun intended). It doesn’t matter that the gun control side is mostly made up of paid performers. What matters is that Granite Staters who want to protect their fundamental human right to self defense show up (and that includes emailing the committee and sending testimony to the committee on line).

All of the gun control bills at the hearings were written by out-of-state gun control organizations that reside in states FAR less safe than New Hampshire. Most seek to solve problems that simply don’t exist here. ALL of them seek to harm law-abiding citizens. NONE of the gun control bills heard will do anything to stop criminals. In fact, ALL of the bills heard will enable criminals while making Granite Staters less safe.



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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