So yesterday the RNC reelected as its Chairman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel. Under Ronna, who has been at the helm since 2017, the GOP has LOST every election cycle. She is a LOSER. And it is not like the members of the RNC did not have an alternative.
They did … Harmeet Dhillon, who campaigned on changing the focus of the RNC from being a grifting operation for the consultants, operatives and insiders into WINNING.
Obviously, the members of the RNC do not think winning is important … or at least not as important as padding the pockets of the same grifter consultants/operatives/insiders who have lost every election cycle since Ronna took over.
By the way, this was sort of a proxy war between DeSantis and Trump. DeSantis endorsed Dhillon, while Trump worked feverishly behind the scenes to reelect Ronna. So another takeaway is that Trump remains a horrible judge of people and would repeat the egregious staffing mistakes that hamstrung his term as President.