The Biggest Local Political Winner of 2022 - Granite Grok

The Biggest Local Political Winner of 2022

Eclipse sun shade

The biggest winner in New Hampshire politics in 2022? Without question GOVERNOR … oops, I am getting ahead of myself … CONGRESSMAN CHRIS PAPPAS, who is on the glide path to Governor in 2024.

Thanks to a big assist from Sun-King Sununu, who vetoed a proposed congressional map that would have made CD-1 more competitive for Pappas and who, in addition, did nothing of substance to help Pappas’ Republican opponent, Pappas cruised to another reelection victory. Now he is perfectly positioned to run for Governor in 2024, when the Sun-King abdicates and takes his “contributor’s” perch at MSNBC or CNN.

Who is going to stop Pappas from being elected Governor in 2024? Edelblut? Morse? You need to question your sanity if you really believe either Edelblut or Morse would be anything more than a sacrificial lamb. The gubernatorial election is not going to be a referendum on “Education Freedom Accounts,” while Morse and his crack consultants apparently believe that it is 1982, not 2022, and that Ronald Reagan is still President.

Pappas is going to be elected Governor of New Hampshire in 2024 and he will remain Governor until the Democrats decide it is time for him to step up to U.S. Senate, and then he will be Senator for life.

The only potential roadblock … now that Pappas has retained his seat in Congress … is that the Sun-King decides that he wants to make history by becoming the longest-serving (in the modern era) Governor of New Hampshire.
