Tampax Gives in to #Woke Culture – Pays ‘Non-Binary’ (Guy) To Promote Its Products

Auntie Vaquser

So, it turns out that a second biological (non-binary male) has been paid to promote “women’s health” products. I know; who was the first? I’m not all that interested but is this a job women won’t do, or was it another job stolen by a man?


In a stunning victory over the patriarchy, women now have yet another transgender icon who was born with a penis to represent them and their feminine hygiene needs. A second transgender (self-identified “girl”/adult human male Dylan Mulvaney being the first) named Jeffrey Marsh just scored an endorsement deal with Tampax.


Jeffrey describes himself as a “non-binary person who does not menstruate” and took the job to “help end the stigma associated with periods.” Because humans born with a penis have had so much success with that to date?

And to that point, I’ve been around menstruating women all my life, and based entirely on their remarks or response to it, where’s the stigma? Some want to talk about it with you – perhaps a bit too much – and others don’t want to hear a word.

So, how does a non-menstruating anyone have the medical or cultural authority to discuss that?

Tampax is just being #woke, and it might cost them some sales, but – and I have to ask – did a man or a woman make this call? And can we expect a new line of Manpons for non-menstruating women with a penis (Is anyone curious about the printed application instructions for that?).

Did you pick him because menstruate has the word men in it? Can Jeffrey get gigs to talk about the stigma associated with men-o-pause, or do we have to wait until he’s in his fifties?

Is there an opportunity for once-prolific aged-out male-actor to get jobs for this the way they sell supplemental Medicaid insurance or mobility aids? “I’m Sir Christopher Lee, and this is Robert Duvall. We want to talk to you today about …”

And yes, Marsh says he got some hate from the TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists). The Girl Power collective wasn’t feeling it, including the bit where something born with a penis took a job away from an actual woman.

First women’s sports and now “women’s health care” products. What female thing will men be allowed to take over next? Has JK Rowling had her say?

One more question? Why wasn’t he black and in a wheelchair, you ableist racists?


HT | PJ Media


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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