Sec. of State Scanlan – Will You lead?

by Skip

Jan 2, 2023

NH Sec. Of State: Mr. David Scanlan
Co-Chairman Voter Confidence Committee: Report
Mr. Swett and Mr.Cook


Many of us who testified before your committee and dedicated our personal time and research, now feel robbed of a sense of normalcy, transparency, and fairness in your final report.

Which excluded:

  1. Public testimony/ evidence produced by NH concerned citizens, as part of the final report record. This is the cornerstone for accountability and public transparency; instead, your committee chooses to obfuscate it.
  2. Statement of blind trust ( #L. in the report) that machines “ when used correctly” are more accurate than hand count, lacks any empirical data, peer review, or basis of facts to state such claims. ( nearly 30% of NH towns hand count exclusively, as well as a host of large industrialized countries in Europe .)
  3. Lacked strong, clear, essential voting policy and procedures changes, as well as critical components that would help prevent future unlawful acts, and misconduct.

In your report: You lean strongly into protecting election officials but fail to ever mention protecting the civil rights and sovereignty of the citizen voter. Town clerks and moderators all have legal protection and representation through their associations paid for by our tax dollars. On the contrary, the citizen voter has no other option than to file a legal challenge in court, at great personal expense. The average citizen breaks the law they are prosecuted, why has the state legislature not the same standard for those who destroy, violate the public trust and their oath of office?

We want to thank Al Brandano for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to


We can never outrun the “spirit of truth”, one way or another it catches up to us. History has proven the longer we try the more and more damaging the results! (Exposed recently in the unholy marriage – between social media, the press, and government)

Mr. Scanlan citizens’ input must be taken seriously and acted upon.

The 2020 Windham election audit recommendations from the independent audit team have yet to be fully enacted under your public guidance, or support to the legislature. Virtually no election official has been prosecuted by the NH DOJ. It is human nature without real penalty, there is no deterrent. (Example one official made #137 verified election violations confirmed by the NH DOJ report in Windham NH in 2020)

In 2021 nearly fifty election bills were brought before the legislature, to the best of my research in committee hearings to which you Mr. Scanlan sadly supported just one.

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