Republicans Need To Be Smart About Santos Because Democrats Do NOT Need To Be Careful

So there is a post up, Democrats Have To Be Careful How They Handle Santos. The premise of the post is that if Democrats go after Santos then somehow …the author never explains how … Democrats will pay a price politically because Biden Warren, Blumenthal, etc. etc. etc. are also liars. NO … that will never happen.

There are different rules for Democrats and Republicans. The legacy media a/k/a the FakeNews, Big-Tech, Mitch McConnell and the faux-Republicans in the Senate virtually ALWAYS give the Democrat a pass. The Republican NEVER gets a pass.

The author of the post wants the GOP House to expel Santos … which does NOTHING but help Democrats. Indeed, it is exactly what the Democrats want. Our liar gets expelled, while their liars remain in office. The author’s advice is akin to advising you to observe the Marquis of Queensbury rules despite your opponent having brought ten of his friends to the fight, all armed with baseball bats.

The Democrats are focused on transforming America into a Socialist brave new world … and we are supposed to weaken the GOP House, the ONLY part of the federal government controlled by the GOP and in a position to fight this transformation? NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

As Churchill said about Stalin because he believed him a lesser threat than Hitler …. “If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.”

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