Quick Thought: Why is NH Senate Staffer Maya Harvey Controlling the NH GOP Media Invites for Today?

by Skip

Somebody just called asking if we, too, were not going to be at the NH GOP Annual Meeting where Trump is speaking, which had me asking, “what, you were denied as well?”.

And the response was, “yeah, Maya (Harvey) said that if you didn’t receive anything, you weren’t invited.” And like us, this person has been a Sununu critic and an NH GOP (certain selected people within) critic as well. However, this person has been credentialed, like GraniteGrok, for every Trump event that has been applied for.

Why not this one?  And no, it is starting to look like “no space” is just a dodge.

Which had me go, “Hmm.”  Now, that person has some contacts that are being worked, so we’re going to be looking for “presence” and “absence” of some things IF a said person can get answers to his questions to others (yes, I am deliberately being obtuse on this but roll with me on this”).

The person also blithely said, “so why is Maya Harvey, who works for the NH Senate, the point person for media for an NH GOP event?” – my head virtually whipped around as I had been assuming she was back at the NH GOP. I had that person, who also received a similar “you aren’t attending” email from Maya so I asked what the domain was on the email address in his email:

“Maya Harvey” <maya@nhrsc.com>
Note: not an NHGOP.org email address.  So I went back to my email thread with her on getting credentialing for Groksters for the event.  Here’s the relevant data points, bolded:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Maya Harvey” <maya@nhrsc.com>
To: “Skip” <Skip@granitegrok.com>
Sent: 1/24/2023 9:39:33 AM
Subject: Re: NH GOP Meeting –

Maya Camilla Harvey
Press Secretary
New Hampshire Republican Party
C: 603 303 3333
O: 603 225 9341

SO HOW IS SHE WORKING FOR BOTH ENTITIES??? How can she be working for the NH Senate, getting paid by the NH State Government, and for NH State Senate President Jeb Bradley?
Maya Harvey - NH Senate Office of the President Staff
But I do note that she’s not listed on the NH GOP About page:
NH GOP Staff 2023-01-28
So is this a tempest in a tea cup or something else?  DOES she work for the NH GOP (and her email says she is) or doesn’t she?  And what was the influence as it is starting to be that folks that have critisized Sununu or the NH GOP were excluded from today’s meeting.
The question is WHO, if not Maya, has been making that decision (making Maya just a scapegoat)?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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