Quick Thought – Maya Harvey’s Press Gallery at the NH GOP Annual Meeting – a Quick Question

by Skip

Someone called me last nite a wee bit more than upset saying (paraphrased) “What, the ONE media outlet in NH that truly is all about Republican ideals and philosophy, GraniteGrok, was not allowed at the NH GOP Annual Meeting? How stupid was that?”.

Well, we appreciate the sentiment – and we have been Consistently on message about Conservatarianism since we started. While there is a love/hate relationship over the years (“we thank them when they do right and we spank them when they do wrong”) when they deliberately don’t follow their own Platform, this is the first time that GraniteGrok has never been allowed to cover an event. We’ve covered all (but one) of the Trump ones here in NH.

So when someone sent this to me, the first question I had was (sarcastically):

NH GOP Annual Meeting Press Gallery


“So what has OAN done for the NH GOP lately?”

Or any of them.

Now, I’m quite sure that the folks at OAN are good folks and I’m “picking” on them just because I can read the mic flag on their camera. However, the question still stands – and they flew in, covered the Trump speech, and left.  How did they help the NH GOP either in amplifying the Republican message (which we do more in a week than the NH GOP does in a year; maybe in three days (snort!)) or correcting them when they fall off a Platform Plank?

And Maya had a hand in picking all of those cameras over GraniteGrok’s.

Whose cameras, IF she had asked, were going to be focused on doing “man in the street” interviews (like our “MicroInterviews”) the majority of the time. And one small camera focused on the stage (that’s all it takes nowadays).

So OAN is gone – and we remain. And blogging – and we’re not going away.

Object Lesson.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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