Mitch McConnell Begins New Year Same Way He Ended Old … By Boosting Biden

Dear bitter-clingers, your “leaders” despise you; they loathe you; they don’t give a damn about you. What will it take to make you understand that you cannot beat the Democrats until you first beat the faux-Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Sun-King Sununu? That’s a sincere question.

Local property taxes in New Hampshire are stratospheric and climbing … yet you accept the canard that “local control” prevents State government from doing anything to protect taxpayers … as in a REAL, that is hard, no exception tax cap … at the same time you support State government interfering in local governance in order to support “workforce” … i.e. TikTok voter … housing.

Mitch McConnell and his faux-Republicans in the Senate have done exponentially more to help Biden than they ever did to help Trump. Sun-King Sununu has done far more to turn New Hampshire BLUE than any Democrat Governor before him. They are not the “lesser of two evils”. They are part of the evil.

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