Another Candidate Running for NH GOP Vice Chair: Randall Kelly


Hello, my name is Randall Kelley. I am a resident of Bristol and part of the great north… Grafton County. I am formally announcing and introducing my campaign for the NHGOP Vice Chair position.

About 15 yrs ago, I decided I had enough with the direction I witnessed the NHGOP and the Republican Party headed. At the time, I decided to become involved in my community. The most important aspect of the Vice Chair position is getting Republicans involved and running for local offices. I came out of the gate and campaigned for the town council, followed by a multi-year commitment to the zoning board, local activities, festivals, the Salvation Army Advisory Board, and other associations. My involvement facilitated more local participation and success, fueled by numerous suggestions before my departure. I met my beautiful wife of two years, bringing me to the fantastic community (Bristol) where we now own a business and reside.

We want to thank Randall Kelly for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

The last few years also brought something to our plate we couldn’t have ever expected. We are now the guardians of my wife’s three grandchildren, 8, 13, and 14, respectively. This drastic life change made us make some serious adjustments to our existence. First of which was my retirement. I say retirement, yet I’m not eligible for any compensation. Second, I am now a dad full-time. After taking on this blessing, it wasn’t long before we felt the schools’ inadequacies and burdensome overreach/mandates during Covid. We realized that the only choice was to remove the children from these public schools, a.k.a. indoctrination centers, because we were disgusted with what was occurring, which was getting worse by the day. Thankfully, our children now attend a private Christian school and have for over a year. The results are mind-boggling, and the positive effects are like night and day compared to their previous education. We are excited to see changes in their lives each day, from increased grades and attitudes to increased progress.

Randall Kelly for NH GOP Vice Chair

Getting involved in our local communities and educating our elected officials is super important. In addition, educating those who wish to seek political office on the importance of participation in their communities is just as important. Unfortunately, the NHGOP doesn’t seem to list that critical information at the forefront of its recruitment platform. The Party over the past several years appears to be more of a determent for involvement than promoting candidates who align themselves with the Party at the local level. This sentiment has troubled me and will be my utmost priority if elected vice chair. Local politics has always represented the roots of future endeavors politically. Why do we naively believe it’s a nonpartisan format? Because party affiliations are not promoted or broadcast? This is where we have to make some drastic changes and be bold and truthful about what the Republican Party stands for.

Many individuals who support the Party have let themselves escape the Party’s conservative, constitutionally driven intents. The Party became about Party preservation, not its integrity. I will spend every day as your Vice Chair to change that. We need to start being the Party of following our God-given natural rights, showing that we align with a fiscally responsible limited government, education and health freedom, fair and honest elections, parental rights, constitutional rights, and more.

I think integrity is a huge aspect that is missing from the NHGOP platform. In addition to the others mentioned previously, my priority will be making sure the people’s needs again reflect as a Party priority. I believe (and hope) the Party participation would increase, and maybe, just maybe, we could get some of those estimated 50+% NH undeclared to come back aboard to help make NH RED again.

By participating in our community, I reference the numerous boards and committees with open seats. The ones we need our perspective candidates or elected to join in.

People ask… how have democrats infiltrated every aspect of our municipalities and voting process?

My simple answer is…

  • Democrats are never “busy.”
  • They never find more excuses not to participate rather than to participate.

Republicans believe people are doing what needs to be done for them. Yes, and it has been done… BY THE DEMOCRATS! The result is the discontent and discourse we all experience daily.

When people tell me they are “too” busy, I reference my present commitments:

  • I am the Vice Chairman of the Bristol Planning Board.
  • I am the Chairperson of the Bristol CIP Committee.
  • I am a member of the Bristol Downtown Committee.
  • I am a member of the Emergency Management Committee.
  • Our children and I volunteer and participate in many of Bristol’s happenings.
  • I will run for the Bristol School Board in just a few weeks.
  • Never mind my wife Janice’s volunteer and financial contributions.

Getting involved is how we can change things from the inside!

I have always spoken up against all that is occurring negatively. To, unfortunately, have establishment Republicans make statements such as… “Let them have their fun, Randall,” to “what harm can they do working the polls; it is all secure, Randall.”

The passive-fickle nature and constant lack of involvement and recruitment goals of the Party are incredibly disappointing. This has brought a party peppered with RINOs and/or folks who are not in the Party’s best interests. Going along to get along is not an option any longer. Internal accountability must be adhered to vigorously to keep the Republican Party from becoming the sinking ship that it now represents.

My goal as Vice Chair is to bring leadership back into leadership. I am concerned that we are 0-11 sending any candidates to Washington. All liberty groups and first-time candidates are alienated or left out in the cold. I will help ensure they no longer feel this way. Leadership is desperately needed now, and we need to be the wall that stops all this insanity from happening. We must protect our children, and we cannot afford to fail them. We must stop turning our backs on our forefathers by NOT using the application of the law and constitution as intended. I have an extremely strong personal interest in NOT seeing any failure through for my God, my wife, my family, my community, and my country.

Please consider a vote to preserve the Party as we once knew it to be on January 28, 2023. Your vote can be for someone hand-picked by the establishment, one who will only do what they are told, -OR- you can vote to help protect and preserve all our futures by casting a vote for me, Randall Kelley.

Thank you, God bless NH and may God bless America


  • Op-Ed accepts Letters to the Editor, Op-Eds, Press releases, and other content. If you would like us to consider yours for publication, please email  Submission does not guarantee publication.

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