Q: Who Should Be The Next NHGOP Chairman? ... A: IT DOESN'T MATTER - Granite Grok

Q: Who Should Be The Next NHGOP Chairman? … A: IT DOESN’T MATTER

ss titanic life boat original image byaitoff - pixaby

With the news that Steve Stepanek and Pam Tucker are not running for reelection as NHGOP Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the question becomes who should succeed them …. correct? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. It doesn’t matter.

Stop looking for a savior and, if you believe (as I do not) that New Hampshire is somehow salvageable, roll up your sleeves and be the savior you’re looking for.

First of all, as I have explained in other posts, New Hampshire is NOT a RED State, nor a PURPLE State … but a BLUE State. But I won’t belabor that FACT here because so many of you refuse to believe what is apparent (for example, the last time a GOP Presidential candidate got more than 50% of the votes was 1988 … that is NOT a typo: I repeat, 1988). Instead, I’ll tell you what to do if it is an article of faith for you that New Hampshire is a RED or PURPLE State.

Fergus Cullen was going to be the savior of the NHGOP. Then it was Jennifer Horn’s turn to be that savior. And after that, Steve Stepanek. And throughout it all New Hampshire has gotten BLUER and BLUER and BLUER. Focusing on the next Chairman is like squabbling about who should be the captain of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg and was sinking. A WASTE OF TIME.

Instead, focus on the upcoming School Board elections. Prove me wrong … I challenge you. Stop bloviating about the State Party not doing this or that; or that your Town Committee was of no help … and instead find like-minded people in your Town to join with you, and either run for School Board yourself or find and support a like-minded candidate. In other words, stop obsessing with the Titanic and instead start paying attention to the lifeboats.

