GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail! Part2

by Skip

I am beyond understanding why there are those that are EXCITED to have porn in youngsters’ public school libraries. In addition to the first set, we got even more hate mail with respect to our mailers dealing with porn books in public school libraries and the politicians that choose NOT to affirm Parental Rights in keeping it away from young and impressionable students.  So, I’ve got more – this one from Amherst.  The envelope:

Dodge Rd envelope GrokPAC

And of course, they also sent back the mailer inside like at the previous post. Now, I have to admit – I’m not completely sure that I am reading this correctly.  Reason is that when someone writes in a thick Sharpie, it’s hard (at least for me) to fully get it right.

Dodge Rd Mailer front GrokPAC

(click to embiggen)

I THINK it says “Parents should read these AND they are ok for children”.

Now, I think ALL parents should be reading what is in their child’s curriculum as well as what’s in their school’s library.  I’m betting that MOST parents are NOT going to agree that minor children should be reading them.  I should ask, beyond the excerpts on the mailers, have ANY of these folks actually read the books themselves?

Backside: “Read as Parents and children should not read”

Dodge Rd Mailer back GrokPAC

(click to embiggen)

So I’m confused – which is it?  Ok for kids or not?  Is she hedging her bet?  I have no idea.

Oh, for those that sent their return addresses in sending back the mailers? Yeah, I’m going to send something back.

And still more, along the same lines, to post later.

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