Census Numbers Show Americans Rejected Sun-King Sununu Style COVID-Tyranny

Dear Sununu-sycophants, Sununu-apologists and Sununu-cultists, please explain to me why State liquor stores are “essential,” but gyms and churches are not. You can’t, of course.

Yet you continue to blindly support everything the abortion-obsessed Sun-King says and does, including his failed stewardship of the State during COVID-mania. Americans, however, rejected the COVID-tyranny of the Sun-King and other COVID-tyrants like Charlie Baker, Gavin Newson and Andrew Cuomo.

The chart below, which is from the census shows domestic migration during the thick of COVID-mania. Notice that New Hampshire is NOT among the top ten for population growth:

What’s that you say? Its not fair to compare poor, little purple New Hampshire to big, bad red Florida and Texas? Well, here is domestic migration on a percentage basis and AGAIN no Granite State:



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