Why Bostonians Shouldn’t Vote Maura Healey for Governor

The good news is that the current governor of the Bay State, Charlie Baker, decided not to run for another term. The nice news is that a Republican named Geoff Diehl is running and his “Lieutenant governor” running mate is Leah Cole Allen, a nurse. She got fired from her hospital for not taking the vax.

 The annoying news is that Maura Healey, who has held the powerful position of state Attorney General since 2014, is leading in the gubernatorial race.

I was pleased when Maura Healey opposed Trump’s “Muslim Ban” — an argument that later won in court. I also give her credit for standing up for gays.

But sorry, she has failed to investigate the death in custody of someone who I know was murdered in Massachusetts. I am referring to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who at age 26 was captured, alive and well, in Watertown in the wee hours of Friday, April 19 (a big occult murder feast day, nudge nudge), in 2013.

That was 4 days after the Boston Marathon bombing. I place the blame for the bombing with the Feebs, as can be seen in my RICO suit, Maxwell v FBI et al.

Maura Healey and Charlie Baker were not in office in 2013. I place Marathon injustices on Deval Patrick as governor. Also, he participated in the disgustingly deceitful movie “Manhunt,” a production of — get this — National Geographic.

Even at this late stage, Attorney General Healey, a Harvard cum laude graduate, could focus her brain on the matter and issue a recall of the younger Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar, nickname Jahar, from Supermax federal prison in Colorado.

She is the proper authority to see that Jahar gets charged with a crime he allegedly committed in Massachusetts, the murder of MIT cop Sean Collier. Wow. That would make for a reopening of the whole matter locally. But she lacks the guts. She is willing to see Jahar fry. You can forget her protection of Muslims in the Muslim Ban case, OK?

There is a book entitled “Boston’s Marathon Bombing: What Can Law Do?” that lays out clearly how any interested attorney general or judge can undo the travesty. Sure, there was an appeal to the US Supreme Court, but it considered only the issue of “Boston having been an inappropriate venue for Jahar’s trial.” His so-called Public Defenders refused, from the beginning, to defend his innocence or even to mention his not-guilty plea!

The book is very accessible and thoroughly documented. The author was an amicus curiae in the Tsarnaev case for five years. She is Mary W Maxwell. Oops, that’s me. Fifteen bucks will fetch you the book at Lulu.com and supposedly also at Amazon.

Now here’s an excerpt from my “Open Letter to Maura Healey,” published September 13, 2015, at GumshoeNews.com. Below that, I’ll show a video of my “moot court, open mic” thing.


Dear Attorney-General Maura Healey,

The problem, in a nutshell, is this: someone murdered Tamerlan Tsarnaev in April 2013 while he was in police or FBI custody. As you are the chief law enforcement officer in Massachusetts, this problem falls to you.

Please do not pretend you don’t know about the death. Granted, the public was told by CNN and The Boston Globe that Tamerlan himself fired a gun at police and was killed in self-defense by the police. Or – the alternative story – that his brother accidentally dragged him via the wheels of an SUV. It is not true at all. It is a pack of lies. The proof is in, thanks to the ‘podstava’ video.

Maybe it would have been good for you to campaign on that very issue! But you, instead, stuck with the old chestnuts. Your website said: “… I have been on the front lines fighting for fairness, equality, and justice …. This requires being proactive… I am deeply committed to fighting corruption.” [Really?]

I hope you have read an article that appeared on Paul Craig Roberts’ website on August 18, 2015. It reveals an affidavit filed with the US Federal District Court by Maret Tsarnaeva, who is a lawyer, concerning the way the defense team of Jahar interacted with the family in Russia. … The parents were threatened into signing a letter to Jahar “or else,” instructing their son to confess. That is why he “confessed.”

I’ll quote what Maret Tsarnaeva said, under penalty of perjury, about a woman named Charlene, an independent investigator from the US defender’s office who was sent to Russia by the defense team:

“My sister Malkan revealed to me [immediately] the details of the conversation. She … has authorized me to state for her that Charlene stated flatly that the federal public defender’s office in Boston knew that Dzhokhar was not guilty as charged and that their office was under enormous pressure from law enforcement agencies and high levels of the government of the United States [Obama??] not to resist conviction.”

So, Madam Attorney General, does it get any worse than this? Have you any jobs to perform that are more pressing than the possible counteracting of what has happened in the Tsarnaev case? And can you furnish safety for one Massachusetts citizen today, namely Jahar Tsarnaev, who is at the tender age of 21? [By now he’s 29, still on Death Row].

Honest, the citizenry of Boston, surely the most educated population that ever lived, would be astounded. “Joan of Arc,” they might cry. Anyway, the moment is ripe for you to do it.

You could call a press conference to announce that Tamerlan died in custody. He was not in a shoot-out, and the bruises on his face – visible in his mortuary photo – probably came from being beaten up in custody. I dare you to say, “This is not South Africa where Steve Biko, age 28, was smashed to a pulp on the floor of a police station.”

Male persons have a problem doing that. But Maura Healey can do it. Yes, she can. She can say, “Excuse me, here in Massachusetts, no one can beat to death a person who has been arrested.” That wouldn’t exactly be a controversial position to hold, would it?

In short, somebody, somewhere, has to prompt a great turn-around in our tragic and absurd situation. Ms. Healey, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, let it be you.

Yours sincerely,

Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Email address: MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com

[End of my 2015 Open Letter]



On January 23, 2018, I put on a 45-minute “moot court trial” for Jahar at the Watertown Public Library. It’s on the video page of my website, www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com. It was followed by an open mic session. Go here for that video:


Start at 24 minutes to see the important contributions made by Sgt John McLennan who was the police supervisor during the capture of the run-over “Tamerlan.” (I assume it was not Tamerlan but rather an unwitting stuntman.) Or, at 43.30 you can see James Perloff, the maker of a wonderful, fast movin, 2-hour YouTube lecture on False Flag tickets to war.

As things stand today, unless Americans will come to the party, Jahar — by all accounts a sweet guy — is going to be dispatched to Eternal Life by the executioner at a federal place in Indiana. Wake up, Everybody!



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