Reminder: Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy

Steve MacDonald

The modern Democrat party is all-in on the revolution. “The only form of revolution beneficial to the people is one which destroys the entire State to the roots and exterminates all the state traditions, institutions, and classes… Our task is terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction.”

Sergey Nechayev’s Revolutionary Catechism inspired Marxists from Vladimir Lenin to Saul Alinsky to our manifold of Modern Leftists. It is the objective of Cloward-Piven. It is the goal of rampant inflation and the rising cost of water, electricity, and energy. The open border. Medicine and Public Health Policy since Wuhan. To break every institution, including the government, by wrecking them from within or making them unreliable to those who rely on them.

Elections have been tampered with and rigged since the idea of voting first occurred. The pursuit of power by people most likely to abuse it are more often than not those most drawn to it – which guarantees tampering.

Elections are also – even if rigged – a barrier to the progressive agenda. Central planning is inequitable, incompetent, frequently cruel, and destined to devolve into some form of despotism, but that’s what they are after. So when the Left insists that talk about election integrity is little more than wide-eyed conspiracy, what they mean is to thank you for invalidating the institution.

It is why they want illegals to have driver’s licenses and sixteen or seventeen-year-olds to vote. Sure, they are more likely to vote Democrat, but that’s a means to an end at which voting will no longer be required or permitted. Not for real. Elections under such “rules” are shams from go. All the candidates represent the same end game, those who won’t play along become fatalities in an automobile accident or commit suicide. Although these days, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – an authoritarian dream – will likely do the job.

They just dropped dead. It happens. I win.

We’re not that far from both parties being shades of the same despotism, so we might continue the Potemkin elections for as long as people are willing to play along. However, we should expect the elites will – inevitably – confess a desire to relieve us of the burden. It is oh so difficult to tell the twins apart. How ’bout we do that for you?

And you laugh or cry or curl up into a ball or get angry, but that’s why they are making a mockery of elections while claiming it’s not true. It’s what they always do. And if they can convince enough people they don’t work, they’ll suggest something else, and the only people that will benefit are the people offering it, and not even all of them, and that’s the catch.

Many of you still think that when that revolution comes, they’ll recognize your devotion and let you into the guarded gated communities of the privileged class. But you will have worn your usefulness and discover that you should have voted for Trump while you could still vote.




You can learn more about Sergey Nechayev and the rest of them by reading Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left – by our friend Jim Simpson



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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