So Never-Trumper Mikey Graham knows exactly …. EXACTLY … why the NHGOP did so miserably in the 2022 midterms. And it’s a really surprising and novel take (VERY HEAVY SARCASM HERE) from a RINO Never-Trumper.
It’s all the fault of the … wait for it, wait for it, wait for it … the pro-lifers and … drum-roll please … DONALD TRUMP.
And the solution is simple. The NHGOP should give up on being Republicans and become pro-unrestricted-abortion, pro-BLM, pro-grooming, pro-woke-flavor-of-the-day, Democrats in virtually everything but name … just like His Wokeness, Sun-King Christopher Sununu:
Sununu’s example shows there are plenty of Granite Staters who will vote Republican. The job of the GOP is to give them Republicans they can vote for.