Notable Quote – But If You Know Just Where to Rhetorically Kick Them Where It Hurts the Most…


Whereas leftism possesses a telos of unrelenting egalitarianism and neverending revolution, mere anti-wokeism possesses no such countervailing telos of its own. On a long enough timeline, in a game where one player is committed to seeing every dialogical and cultural contest as zero-sum while the other is committed to seeing no such contest as zero-sum whatsoever, the winner is clear. Hence, by its own commitments, mere anti-wokeism lacks the conceptual, normative, and metaphysical resources to draw any kind of nonnegotiable line in the sand whatsoever against ideological opponents hell-bent on pressing their own interests further and further.

Michael Robillard (Chronicles)

As GraniteGrok’s Nitzkahon keeps saying, they believe themselves to be missionaries and will not stop until they convert everyone to their wokeness. They are the Culture War’s Borg with their insistence of complete assimilation of you. There is no notion of “limited” in their minds nor the ability to accept “just leave me and mine” alone. YOU are the pagan that must be saved even though they are laying down the pavers for the road to their dystopian hellscape.

They demand fealty to themselves and will do what they must to achieve it. Trying to pretend that you can ignore them or avoid them is useless in their long view.  So what’s the answer?

Kick’em in their rhetorical “family jewels”. Bullies won’t stop until YOU hurt them – a punch to the nose, punch to the liver, a low kick to the you-know-where when they attempt to speak down to you in telling you that your reality doesn’t exist.

I’m not advocating PHYSICAL violence but debating skills.  Learn their vocabulary, learn their worldview – and then flop them on the floor when you gain the mic at meetings.

(H/T: Powerline)

And just to lighten it up a tad, this ALSO from Powerline: that explains the above for the rest of us:

White Liber Chick Woke Savior Syndrome
White Liber Chick Woke Savior Syndrome



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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