MAGA Doesn’t Equal Conservative?

Ed Mosca

So I read someplace that “MAGA doesn’t equal conservative.” So actually having a border with Mexico, not kowtowing to China, re-industrializing America, being energy independent, avoiding wars-of-choice, low inflation, economic growth, cutting taxes, deregulation, appointing originalist judges … to name certain MAGA policies … are not, I repeat are NOT, conservative?

MAGA is a set of principles, not a cult-of-personality. Trump won in 2016 … and materially improved on his performance in the rigged election of 2020 … because of the principles he espoused and followed. The notion that MAGA is a cult of personality is ass-backwards.

The notion that still supporting Trump is disqualifying is divisive and defeatist. I haven’t decided how I am voting in 2024. I will listen to what every candidate has to say, and then decide. The notion that I have to immediately and loudly say I won’t support Trump … before I even hear what he considers the top issues and how he proposes to address them … is the real cult-of-personality.




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