Democrat Indicted on 82 Felony Counts Including Illegal Absentee Vote Harvesting Scheme

Steve MacDonald

A grand jury has indicted Democrat County Supervisor Trey Adkins on 82 felony counts of election fraud, including havingrelied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election.”


Investigations have shown that the scheme included hundreds of absentee ballots per election cycle and Adkins, with the help of his aunt, is said to have personally run the operation, showing up at the homes of voters himself with absentee applications and ballots to ensure he would have their vote. As Buchanan County is a small community, the margin of victory in Adkins’ election was only within a couple of hundred votes, giving his scheme all the more impact.


Trey’s aunt was also involved: Sherry Lynn Bailey, … “is facing 12 charges (including)4 counts of False Statement – Election Fraud, 4 counts of Conspiracy to Make a False Statement, and 4 counts of Forgery of Public Record.”

So there are Democrats who have, for at least a decade, been using mail-in ballots to steal elections and relatives of those candidates willing to help.

Before you get too excited, you must remember what Biden, Democrats, and the press have been telling us. We have safe, secure election in the United States. The Virginia state police, courts, and anyone else who believes Adkins is guilty of mail ballot fraud is just an election denier.

And anyone who calls you that is an Election Fraud Denier.



HT | National File


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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