Sad, Depressing, and Deluded

Steve Earle

Just read that Joy Behar of the (View?) or whatever they call it on TV, read a pole saying 71% of Americans believe our democracy is in danger, but only 7% rank it a high concern, and she is “sad and depressed.” Whoopie chimed in, saying “that’s why I don’t like polls.”

Can I say, here are two rich, totally self-absorbed, disassociated from reality personalities.

Joy might want to consider how real people are mostly concerned with putting food on the table, heating their homes, paying their rent or mortgage, and buying gas to get to work every day.

As for Whoopie, yeah, if I were a leftist I wouldn’t like hearing this either.

But back to Joy. I’m sure she believes the danger to democracy isn’t from her side, which it is, so she is in denial. She is unable to put together facts such as the Left’s crusade to end fossil fuel use without having any viable replacement for it. Pushing absurd mandates down the throats of the American people. Opening the southern border to violent criminals, drugs, sex trafficking, and terrorists. That this has created that depression. Yes, DEPRESSION. This was not done by any other than the leftist Marxist Socialists now in power.

Inflation, according to these geniuses, was created by the pandemic and (yes, she said) the “Iraq War.”

Okay, she corrected that, but this is what the left always does; blame someone or something else for the problems (disasters) they create.

There is not one Biden order, mandate, or program anyone can point to that has not failed in spectacular fashion. Take the six-plus years of investigations, hearings, and unsupported allegations by the FBI, Justice Dept., Homeland Security, and every intelligence agency under government control trying to link President Trump to a crime. None of these have found one ounce of evidence against Trump, not one.

Since they can’t get Trump, they are going after everyone and anyone who supports him. Raids by the FBI, 86,000 new IRS agents to harass and intimidate American citizens looking for even some minor mistake on their taxes.

So yes 71% of Americans believe our democracy is in danger; why wouldn’t we? But Joy, it’s because of people like you, not Trump supporters.


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