Revisiting the San Jose Doctrine

Ian Underwood

The city of San Jose, California, is about to begin fining gun owners for not carrying the liability insurance that the city requires them to have.

That makes it a good time to revisit where this leads.

Spoiler: Taken to its logical conclusion, the reasoning behind the ‘San Jose Doctrine’ leads directly to the end of programs like Medicare, Medicaid, public schools, Social Security, government-guaranteed college loans, and so on.

As the saying goes: Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it — good and hard.




  • Ian Underwood

    Ian Underwood is the author of the Bare Minimum Books series (  He has been a planetary scientist and artificial intelligence researcher for NASA, the director of the renowned Ask Dr. Math service, co-founder of Bardo Farm and Shaolin Rifleworks, and a popular speaker at liberty-related events. He lives in Croydon, New Hampshire.

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